#ResistanceDiaries – From the defense of the Revolution



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Since the beginning of the attacks on Rojava on October 9th, Internationalists are
reporting about the resistance of the people of Northsyria against the fascist invasion.
From Derik and Til Temir to Serekaniye, they are joining the people in the defense of
the Rojava revolution.

As already done in the case of previous threats of an attack as well as during the initial phase
of the war in Afrin, the internationalists from the Commune put all their capacities into media
work in order to report firsthand from the ground. Therefore, one of their teams is on the road,
trying to cover the resistance of the people and to share feelings and thoughts with the public
outside of Rojava.

In their regular “Resistance Diaries” they publish videos about demonstrations against the war
in Derik, about the funerals of the first Martyrs who fell in the resistance against the fascist
invasion or about the convoy to Serekaniye trying to open an humanitarian corridor.

But they also give political analysis on the situation and are part of organizing the worldwide
resistance of Rojava.

In their 10 th video they share a general overview about the situation of the war, their works
documenting the ongoing resistance and also the situation in Til Temir.

From now on, there will be the “Resistance Diaries” at least once a week and daily updates
on social media. You find the “Resistance Diaries” here and the daily update will posted on
the Twitterchannel of Dani Ellis.

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