In Solidarity with the gilets jaunes – Declaration from the Internationalist Commune of Rojava

To the gilet jaunes (yellow vests), to those who demonstrate, who are on the barricades and are blocking the streets, who squat their schools, who are on strike and who organize themselves. We greet you as the Internationalist Commune from Rojava, the western part of Kurdistan, in the North of Syria.

Since more than a month we are following with attention the peoples revolt that takes place in France (and other cities in Central Europe). We are impressed by the determination of the demonstrators, as well as by the level of the repression from police and state. We send our solidarity to everyone who is confronted with charges. Because of you, your resistance is famous until here, where everyone is hoping for bright changings, in a time where we are again threatened by war of the Turkish state.

France has a long history of resistance and civil uprisings, which we shouldn’t reduce just to the French revolution and the events of May 68. The history of resistance also includes the rural revolts of the middle age, all the local, regional and independent resistances against the colonization of the state, the labour movements, the fights of the immigrant workers, the proletarian districts, centuries of womens struggle against the patriarchal system.

The commune of Paris, which shows that it can be possible for the people to take the power and is a main inspiration for revolutionaries globally. In this sense, the call of Commercy, that we relate to as well, has been a source of hope and a sign that the movement can achieve that «very important thing, that the movement of the gilets jaunes reclaims everywhere its diverse forms, further than purchasing power!» to that «power to the people, by the people, for the people. »

This is, what is currently experimented here in Rojava, where the different people organize themselves, without national state, on the basis of democratic communal assemblies and in the sense of a system called confederal democracy.

Of course, reorganizing a society without state is not an easy thing. Of course it needs time, investments and education, but it also gives us the most intense joy.

We must find a way to live free and more as a society. Thousands of people will remember the days passed on the squares, the highways, the streets, the blocked schools, as the most important and significant moments. The children will talk of it for months. Why? Because with these gatherings, society is arising. The people (re)discover what it means to live in a communal way.

To achieve a communal life, it is necessary more than ever to forget the myth of the national state, which represents a false republican unity. We must take down the borders that separate us, as well as find the capacity to reclaim the multiple and migrant identities, to revive our culutres, and « regional sized » languages. And as women must take back what has been taken from us, make our voices heard and take our place in all parts of society.

We have to build up an other economic system, socialist, controlled and coming from the people, on the basis of cooperative production, self-governeance and ecology, free from exploitation of nature by human beings.
Finally, as youth, with the spirit of resistance, we have to become a motor in a movement that will not accept any compromise.

The whole world has understood that « winning » this movement is not to win the false rising of the SMIC, nor the rising of the real purchasing power. To win means to overcome the stage of revendication and to begin to construct an other system of selfgovernment, building on the existing alternative structures. To win means facing contradictions. To try, to fail, to try again. To never lose the hope that we can emancipate from the state and the existing oppressing structures. That we can live freely.

Solidarity with the gilets jaunes and all those who resist in France and everywhere else in the world.
Down with the Turkish fascism.

Bijî Berxwedana Fransa! Bijî berxwedana Rojava !
Bijî Rêber Apo !
Jin Jiyan Azadî !

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