Novo Contrato Social anunciado no Norte e Leste da Síria
English Version A região do Nordeste da Síria aprovou um “Contrato Social” atualizado que serve de constituição para a região. O contrato estabelece um sistema político democrático, ambiental e socialmente progressista, com foco nos direitos e na liberdade das mulheres. Garante direitos aos povos curdos, siríacos e assírios, ao mesmo tempo que rejeita mudanças demográficas
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New Social Contract announced in North and East Syria
Portuguese Version Available The North East Syria region has approved an updated “Social Contract” serving as a constitution for the region. The contract establishes a democratic, environmental and socially-progressive political system with a focus on women’s rights and freedom. It guarantees rights for Kurdish, Syriac and Assyrian peoples while rejecting forced demographic changes. The economy
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Index “Passim” (literally “scattered”) indicates intermittent discussion of a topic over a cluster of pages. Abraham (patriarch), 61, 133, 163–68 passim, 173, 222, 379 Abrahamic religions, 61, 67, 70–71, 72, 162–73 passim, 340, scripture, 222. See also Christianity; God (Abrahamic tradition); Islam; Judaism Abyssinia, 55, 173 Adorno, Theodor, 199, 318 advertising, 108, 217 aesthetics. See beauty (esthetics) Afghanistan, 175,
ELEVEN – Conclusion
Conclusion Consciousness is related to universal existence. An explanation of the existing universal order is only possible with the help of the concept of consciousness. What is interesting is how consciousness expresses itself. It seems that the entire diversity of the universe is a consequence of the passionate need consciousness has to express itself. We
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10.3 Political Tasks
Political Tasks Politics, like morality, is a word surrounded by a swirl of conceptual confusion and chaos. The word’s meaning is simple: it has roots in Ancient Greek, and the art of city governance is what it should be understood to mean. But the search for truth in words is a fairly limited method that will prove disappointing.
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