Make your city Green again: do-it-yourself subvertising kit

Comrades from the Special Patrol Group recently launched a subvertising campaign in London, hacking ads to display images from the Internationalist Commune’s forthcoming book ‘Make Rojava Green Again’.

The images, of imprisoned representative of the Kurdish movement Abdullah Ocalan and a flower blooming from an AK-47, appeared overnight in bus-stop advertisement hoardings.

Now Special Patrol Group have shared all the images and information you need to replace adverts in your own city, seizing back public space from capitalist modernity to show solidarity with the Kurdish movement and the Internationalist Commune.

Here is the 1200mm x 800mm image of the gun and flower, and here is the image of Abdullah Ocalan.

And here is a PDF giving you all the technical, political and psychological information you need to launch your own subvertising campaign.

You can find out more about the Make Rojava Green Again campaign, and the book we’re planning to publish in the coming weeks, here.

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