Martyrs Soro, Demhat and Rodi

In the name of the Internationalist Commune of Rojava, we would like pay tribute and respect for our three foreign friends who recently did the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

– Heval Demhat Goldman, real name Robert Grodt,  Californie, USA

– Heval Soro Zinar, real name Luke Rutter, UK

– Heval Rodie Deysie, real name Nicholas Warden, Géorgie, USA


Three of them died together in the battle of Raqqa, the 6th of July 2017

They arrive in Rojava in February this year to join the YPG, and did their training at the academy Şehîd Kemal together. Once they graduate, they decided to stay together in the front line. One was an anarchist, one an ex soldier, another just someone who stand against the barbarism of Daeş.

Three friends so different but unified for the same cause.

Their sacrifice recall us that the fight here in Rojava is not only a local struggle, but a fight for Humanity, where people from many horizons are gathered to try to made the world better.

Our sincere condolences to the families of the martyrs. Our duty now is to honor and remember the name and the sacrifice of our friends, and to continue and finish the struggle they were fighting for.

Şehîd Rodi, Şehîd Soro, Şehîd Demhat, you are in our hearts, and in the big family of the heroes who said no to the oppression.

Mon de guerra: Demhat Goldman

Real name: Robert Grodt

Mother’s name: Tammy

Father’s name: Wayne

Place of birth: Calîfornîa

Place and date of martyrdom: Reqqa / 6 Tîrmeh 2017




Nom de guerra: Soro Zinar

Real name: Luke Rutter

Mother’s name: Caroline

Father’s name: Andre

Place of birth: Birkenhead

Place and date of martyrdom: Reqqa / 6 Tîrmeh 2017




Nom de guerra: Rodî Deysie

Real name: Nicholas Warden

Mother’s name: Dawn Hall

Father’s name: Mark

Place of birth: Fort Stewart / Georgia

Place and date of martyrdom: Reqqa / 6 Tîrmeh 2017



Şehîd nemirin, martyrs are immortals.



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