Perspectives from Rojava: “Democratic Nation means that no people is superior to another”

The ecological revolution in Rojava is an ongoing process, which aims to bring about fundamental changes in our approach to nature and life. This revolution has to rebuild what former regimes have destroyed, change the mentality of a people and resist against one of the most ecocidal forces in the region, the Turkish state.

From the beautiful countryside of Koçerata. Jiyan Koçer, a member of the Union of Young Women of Northeast Syria discusses the background, developments and obstacles of the Rojava revolution. She highlights the role and responsibility of women and youth within, and the continuing imperialist threats to it. All this with the perspective on the ecological paradigm, its foundation, the hardships it needs to overcome and the progresses that have been made.

With this 7-part series, we want to offer a basic introduction and understanding of the revolution.

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