“Rêhevaltî“ – Comradeship. Text by Abdullah Öcalan

“Rêhevaltî“ – Comradeship [Rê = Path, Heval = Comrade]. Also available in Portuguese and German

It is extremely important to understand the meaning of “Heval” or “Rêheval” in the context of the Democratic Nation from the point of view of the PKK. – ABDULLAH OCALAN

The PKK’s place in the life of the Democratic Nation

Comradely relationships embody, or should be the core or essence of social relationships. Comradely relationships reflects both the historical, as well as future society. In fact, these are ideological relationships; they are, so to speak, relationships of truth between people that are created by ideology and are evoked and thus come to the forefront. In this sense, unity between two “Rêhevals” is not just ideological, but is experienced as a true unit and an unit that is leveled by the ideological capacity. If two comrades (Rêhevals) really understand that secret of comradeship and have become an unity, so must we understand this bond as a strong representation of “truth”. To be a comrade means to be part in the represented truth. Other than that, it is unnecessary to look elsewhere for definitions of comradeship (Rêhevaltî). People who do not really have a great desire for truth should not embark on the path of comradeship. Anyone looking for the gratification of primitive drives, lusts and one’s own profit will never be able to be a “Rêheval”. With such, individuals cannot be entered into as a comrades. Those caught in blind faith or fanatical feelings cannot become comrades either. Comradely relationships need to be properly internalized. You certainly can’t talk about comradeship and embark on this path in a nonsensical way when you do not overcome the ideology of marriage, with the simple traditional division of roles between men and women. The comradely bond has to stay away from desire for money, belongings, property and possessions, housewives and machoism, the desire for consumer goods, chasing after longings and lusts, obsession with power, blind courage or fear and all similar relationships, thoughts, sayings and deeds that come that take you away from the path for truth and keep you away from reaching your identity. Such dangers must be successfully prevented and avoided. At the same time, the comrade must be ideological, must be politically, morally and organizationally sufficiently equipped to deal with any situation they are in. Must be able to always speak and practice great truths under all circumstances. Only a party of cohesion and unity can match the capacities of such and put comradely relationships into practice. This is the only way to become a spokesperson for the future and become the will of the historical society. The PKK can only work with these standards of comradely relationships to satisfy its historical and social role.

[Excerpt from Volume V of the Democratic Society Manifesto: The Kurdish Question and the solution of the Democratic Nation – Abdullah Öcalan]

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