Statement regarding Rêber APO’s historical call: This is not an end – This is a continuation and a new beginning


Rêber APO’s call for Peace and a Democratic Society is a historical turning point. Rather then a call to end the struggle, it is a call to lift the struggle for Freedom and Democracy to a new, wider and more universal stage. Change and transformation are deeply embedded in the nature of the Universe and are the main principle of life itself. Every living being, every society, nation, organization and party that does not adjust/adhere to this principle is condemned to annihilation. Renewal and reconstruction is the way to secure the existence and freedom of any biological or social organism. In the history of revolutions the inability of the revolutionary subjects and the vanguards to renew and transform themselves according to the historical moment and its necessities has always brought them to liquidation. A striking example for this is the downfall of real socialism and the dissolution of the Soviet Union: The dogmatism of real socialism and its persistence on the state, sexist and hierarchical mentality, that for more then 5000 years has been suffocating humanity, has led to defeat and degeneration.

This experience has to be evaluated and lessons have to be learned from it. Acknowledging this reality, Rêber APO has developed the New Paradigm: “The time for the PKK to dissolve has come” means that the time for new forms of organization and struggle has come, which will open doors for the democratization of the Middle East.

To sufficiently understand the call we have to acknowledge the historical conditions the call is made in. In the frame of the 3rd world war, which is developing since the downfall of the Soviet Union, the hegemonic forces, first and foremost the USA, aim to redesign the Middle East in order to the integrate it into the system of Capitalist Modernity. Rêber APO’s call needs to be understood as part of his intervention against these attempts to control and subjugate the peoples of the region.

In his struggle for Freedom he was always insisting on peace and has made many attempts to solve the Kurdish Question with Turkey politically. When we look at the founding era of the PKK, we see that the struggle was at first an ideological one which developed to a cultural and political struggle that laid the base for a mass movement. Just when all channels for a political solution were closed by the state and society was facing annihilation, the armed struggle was started.

In 1993 already Rêber APO announced that the time of armed struggle has come to an end and that a political solution has to be found. But these attempts where either sabotaged by the state or were not successful because of a lack of understanding of Rêber APO’s paradigmatic shift. Nevertheless Rêber APO continued to search and fight for ways for a political solution and peace.

The Question of why this attempt is now being made again has be to answered along different dimensions: First and foremost it was Rêber APO’s resistance that layed the ground for this.

The PKK has served its historical role and was successful in preventing the Genocide of the Kurdish people and developing the Democratic Society. Now, with the establishment of KCK and the Revolution in Rojava the opportunity is there to move further.

While many revolutionary movements have been liquidated by the State in phases of peace-processes the PKK and the broader Revolutionary Movement are in a different situation. Most of the peace-processes were forced upon Revolutionary Movements, but the PKK is voluntarily entering this process from a position of strength, while the Turkish state is in a very difficult position, losing relevancy in the hegemonic plans for the region.

The need for change in order to adhere to the principle of life is also valid for the Turkish state as well. If this process will not manifest the Turkish state faces annihilation. When the state paves the way for the necessary judicial and political frameworks the Party will discuss the dissolution and laying down of arms, and when its terms are met, will make a decision on its Party Congress.

In these critical times of change revolutionary movements face the danger of falling into liberalism or under the influence of the state. Rêber Apo is very aware of this dangers, but also of the necessity of this courageous step, in order to strengthen the struggle. He sees the big opportunities to reach the essential goal of democratizing the society, and to even change the dynamic of the Third World War.

The Turkish state and other players are showing the statement as if Rêber Apo would have surrendered. But actually the statement is a clear perspective for the continuation of organizing in another way. The attempt of the Turkish state is to cover this reality and force the people in passiveness and hopelessness. But if we look closer, Rêber Apo clarified clear conditions. As Sirri Sureya Onder (member of the Imrali-Delegation) pointed out, “Undoubtedly, the laying down of arms and the dissolution of the PKK in practice require the recognition of democratic politics and a legal framework.” After the statement, the hegemonic and dominant forces, the EU, USA, the UN expressed their support of the phase. Rêber Apo made his step and is waiting now for the Turkish state to also do so.

For us as internationalist youth this change means a historical opportunity. Dissolving the Kurdistan Worker’s Party opens new room to even spread the paradigm of Rêber Apo in a broader way. This decision will neutralize the narrative of the Kurdish Movement, being a separatist terror organization. In this way we will be able to organize even stronger according to the values of democracy and freedom on an international level.

It is our task to struggle even more for our goals. First of all, gaining the physical freedom of Rêber APO is still a main factor, that will guarantee the successful outcome of the process. If the conditions for Rêber APO to give the right perspective are not given, there will be no democratic solution possible. In this way we have to walk forward with even more believe, strength and hope for real change. Those who have read Rêber APO’s defence writings will be able to understand the process better, while those who have not, should read to understand the historical and sociological dimension of this call.

The outcome of this phase is according to us. To trust in Rêber APO, who has an enormous experience of leading the Kurdish Freedom Movement for more than 50 years, will be the fundamental approach that is needed, to bring the phase to successes. If we unify the stance of Rêber APO with our own spiritual, organizational and political strength, we as internationalist youth can be a part of a true internationalism that will let Democratic Society bloom all over the world. This new beginning can be made into an opportunity for spreading the paradigm and developing the institutions of Democratic Modernity in the Middle East and beyond.

Internationalist Commune of Rojava


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