The spirit that made the Kurdish Freedom Movement resist against fascism and genocide is the spirit of Fedayî (self-sacrificing), especially now when the hegemonic forces attack the Revolution in all parts of Kurdistan. With their action against the arms company TUSAŞ, Şehîd Asya Alî and Şehîd Rojger Hêlîn showed themselves to be the purest embodiment of this spirit.
The reasons for their actions, is best explained by their lives and their approach to the Revolution. This is why in order to understand them, it is best to read their letters, that are a manifesto for us. In their letters both express that fedayitî starts in every moment. It is not only an action, an event, but a way of life. By taking them as an example and getting inspired by them, we will also be able to fight back in this times of fascist and genocidal attacks.

The letter of Şehîd Asya Alî (Mîne Sevjîn Alçiçek):
My name is Asya Alî. My name in the system is Mîne Sevjîn Alçiçek. I was born in İzmir [Turkey] in 1989. I am originally from Colemerg [North Kurdistan]. I studied and completed a computer programming degree. I am the fourth child in a family with four children and the only girl in the family. I understood my identity from my family, but despite this, no one in my extended family, except from me, joined the party. My childhood passed by in a divided way, between home and social life. In my social circle, my school friends, meant a very different world, a very different agenda. Our feelings, our dreams, our longings, our loves, were all different from each other, we had a very different understanding of the world, but they were my friends. There was no alternative environment where we could get to know Kurdish and socialist friends. Our neighbors, our school friends, consisted of children from working class Kemalist families. This situation continued until I joined the youth movement. This had a great impact on my personality and character. One side of me, because I couldn’t live my identity and culture satisfactorily, was always longing and lacking, and on the other side was a personality that was foreign and far from its values, that was just adapting to the existing environment. I mean, just as one side of me was running towards assimilation, the other side of me wanted to embrace my identity, which was the only one left in my hand, and I was always in a state of uncertainty. Still, my initial contradictions were more about gender contradictions than national identity, and this was the first reason I got to know Rêbertî [the leadership, meaning Abdullah Öcalan]. I grew up in a social family where women had authority. But despite this I could see the inequality between men and women, through the books I read and the environment I observed, I could understand it even more. Even when I shared my contradictions with my family, I did not find satisfying answers and my questions remained in the air. In that process, my searches led me to get to know many left-socialist parties and factions, anarchists and many feminist, ecological organizations. However, I did not find a satisfying answer to my search in any of those organizations. What I was looking for was a true theory and a structure that combined its theory and practice and, as much as its opposition to the system, it should also point out its alternative. Many of those organizations lacked this integrity. As a seedling is cut from its roots, it falls, so I fell until I met the PKK. Around us there were Rêbertî and Party books.
From the last year of secondary school [high school], I started reading the defense writings of Rêbertî. However, my level of understanding was very low, I had difficulty in understanding, I would pause for a while, and then I would start reading again. At the suggestion of a comrade, I read Rêbertî’s analyses in the book ‘Kurdish Love’ and found the answers to all the things I had been asking for years, but could not find the answers to. Although I hadn’t yet developed the formula for how I should live in those years, I now knew how I should not live. I would never have shaped myself according to the roles that the system imposes on women, and I would not have narrowed my world of dreams and goals with this. That’s why I took my place in the young women’s works and then continued as a member of the Women’s Council and the society works. Before I was physically completely disconnected from the system and came to the mountains, I took part in works, although not always actively, for about ten years. During this phase, I made many attempts to join. But every one of them, either because of the obstacles of the friends I was responsible for, or because of the people I connected with were not trustworthy, or because of my carelessness, failed. Still, I always kept the dream, of becoming a Guerrilla one day, alive in me.
Due to the work that I have been doing in recent years, I had the chance to go to the mountains of Kurdistan several times and in this way get to know the Guerrilla. In that process, even though I insisted on wanting to join, my comrades were against it and insisted that I continue the current work. But most recently: Heval [comrade] Laşer, who from the beginning showed deep respect, love and trust to me, was martyred as a result of an accident on the way to an action. Since the place where he became Şehîd [martyr] was a civilian place, comrades asked us to go and check the scene. When we went there and collected the pieces of my comrade, I made a promise to each piece of him. I would be a warrior worthy of him and finish what he left unfinished, no matter what. At the same time, for a legal case that was opened against me due to my participation in the declaration of the resistance of the autonomous administration [in North Kurdistan, 2015], an arrest warrant was issued against me. After I stayed in the city illegally for a while, I reached out to the comrades to join [the PKK]. This time, when I tried to join, hours of persuasion by my comrades trying to bring me back to the city didn’t help. I joined on August 31, 2015. Both my promise to Şehîd Laşer and on the other hand how, even though we had declared our autonomy, when the house raids started our organization crumbled and hundreds of people fled at the first bullet, leaving me with no other field of struggle. I wanted to give self-criticism for how, even though we claimed that we were pioneers of the society, we had not fulfilled the responsibilities of the tasks we had taken when the time came. This is why I found myself preparing myself as a force of revenge. So this time for me to achieve my dreams, I had strong motivations, which I had to offer to my comrades. So, after the Şervanên Nû [New Warriors education], I started my proposals for the Battalion of Şehîd Zîlan. My initial recommendations were made orally to my current responsibles. The comrades commented that it was too early for me and that I needed to develop in the Guerrilla. In 2016, when I was in Cîlo, my comrade Rênasa, who was in the same battalion as me, attempted a fedayî [self-sacrifice] action. But the comrade was martyred before reaching the destination. I wrote a report to the regional command on the grounds that I wanted to complete the action of my comrade that had not come to success. My report was responded to on the radio, it was said that my reflections were good, but that actions in this form would be stopped for a while and thus the thought of joining the Special Forces began. Unlike most of my comrades I knew a bit the mission of the Battalion of Şehîd Zîlan, but I was a stranger to the Special Forces. I had joined the organization to carry out a fedayî action, and my understanding of self-sacrifice was just of exploding a bomb on myself. I had very little of the ideological basis, strength, labor and effort for this. I was not even at a level of understanding that at the time. When I was waiting to join the Special Forces, I was transferred to Zap [region in Southern Kurdistan] on my own proposal. Zap was my first experience of Guerrilla life and I decided I wanted to stay there. While I was in Zap, I participated in the Şehîd Mahir Academies, the sabotage branch. Because I was going to be able to reach the level of making the bombs that would bring me freedom with my own hands, I was very excited and the world was mine. I approached the branch education, which I received in 2017, with the same enthusiasm and everything I learned, I learned on this basis. At the same time, I continued writing the proposal reports for the Battalion of Şehîd Zîlan. Shortly after the education, I joined the Special Forces in 2018. After seeing the basic cycle of education, I realized how narrowly I had approached fedayîtî [being self-sacrificial]. Being a fedayiya Rêbertî [self-sacrificial fighter of Rêbertî] meant embodying this mission in every area of life. While doing this, fighting against all your shortcomings with great love, it is a revolutionary path to take. But I was in the delusion of ‘I am ready’. Working with a strong will to achieve what you want is very important in the PKK. In the consumerist society of capitalism, there is the logic of ‘I want this, then let it be mine’. In the PKK, on the other hand, lies the understanding of ‘I want to fight like this, I want to participate in the war there, so I must equip myself in every sense for this, while giving the labor and effort for my wishes, I must leave all my individual things behind for the sake of this.’ It is difficult for people like me, that were formed by the system, to understand this. That’s why I gave my commanders a hard time by saying “I also want to perform a fedayî action, why I don’t get supported for this?’ fedayîtî is not a work of fame, a work of popularity. It isn’t a cheap heroism at all. First, you take the decision of self-sacrifice only as a method of war. But the most important thing, after this decision, is how much you can build up yourself and create yourself. The most important thing is that by experiencing Rêbertî’s philosophy, you can become one with his ethics. It certainly means an endless cycle and for a person to reach the truth of Rêbertî, every moment must be in the process of construction. But there are some steps that need to be understood and implemented in the moment. In the face of the heaviness of our time, this is something that is essential for the Kurds, for us as militants. I reached the depth of it in the Special Forces. For me, this time was the process of getting to know and following the organization and trying to deeply understand and build myself. In our life, which is shaped by the philosophy of Rêbertî, the wealth of methods of the organization against the problems and personal weaknesses that arise has always made a big influence on me. If the source is Rêbertî, there is no personal problem that cannot be solved, no battle that cannot be won. Let us be able to be the true performers of Rêbertî who is admired by the world. I joined the Battalion of Şehîd Zîlan with this conviction and determination. I have been experiencing the same excitement and enthusiasm since the first day I learned that I would do the work that I have been dreaming of for years. I know that no matter what I do, I will not be able to reach the heights of Şehîd Zîlan. She is the fifth butterfly that went into the fire in an attempt to extinguish the flames, while at the same time revealing the truth to her followers. She is the goddess of immortals. I can be a part of her in fulfilling my action. Just as a hawk fixates on its target and allows nothing but success, with my action I will, by exploding in the enemy’s brain the rage that I have gathered in myself, give an answer to all the comrades that have known me and have not known me, and that gave effort for me. That’s my conviction and my determination. I declare with all sincerity that this decision does not create in me the psychology of a person who is dying, but the ability to embrace a new life.
There are holy things of all religions, all faiths. You are the unity of all the blessings, the full value, my Rêber. Don’t get it wrong, I don’t want to do you an injustice by putting you in the place of God. You are a holy child of the goddesses. Since your childhood, you have protected the essence of being human and with this idea, you have raised the people. When we look at history, we will see many revolutionaries who sacrificed themselves for a dignified life, but it is necessary to see the reality and so to see, along with the example each of them gave, how their missing aspects could be completed. You are the only person who with your philosophy, became everyone, everything, and who with your life, to all societies of the world, showed the true purpose of existence and became a source of inspiration. It is a pride for us to be your student, at the same time, as an immediate self-criticism, misunderstanding and non-fulfillment of you is so heavy on us. The reason why you are still in the Imrali prison today is because of the lack of comradeship that we cannot overcome and like all the other comrades who made actions, my biggest goal is to reach you with my action even if just a bit. My Serok [president; referring to Abdullah Öcalan], I know that you, as a person who values people and life very much, are against such actions. But I have to tell you that, against whoever or whatever force gropes at you or the places of freedom that you have built, we will be a bomb in their hearts and minds. We owe at least this much to the mountains, where we spent the most meaningful days of our lives, and to you. This place is our land, every corner of it has the blood of our Şehîds, if they think that we will leave it here for them, they are fooling themselves. Even though, you are the greatest fedayî, and that this is a fact that cannot be denied, I hope that you will not see this action as too much for your warriors that swore to live and fight with your ideology.
My Serok, I always expressed my wish, to the people who saw you physically, to spend time with you even if it was just a breath. But I know now that from the first day I decided to take this action, until now, I always saw you in my dreams, and this has meaning. Whatever the time, whatever the situation, I believe you can somehow get on the same frequency with us. Maybe this is the definition of true love, maybe this is the true meaning of seeing. I know that you always see us, I also see you as my Serok and it will be like this in all my lives. With my deepest love, respect and longings.
Like all of you, I spent the most meaningful years of my life, in the fields of freedom that the Rêbertî built, in these mountains. I followed the essence of the truth, my reality, my femininity, my Kurdishness in these paths. At every step I saw the footsteps, voices and silhouettes of the seekers of truth before me. This made me even more attached to this path and I learned that the path of those whose compass is Rêbertî and Şehîds will never go astray.
Children who are, without a country, deprived of their mother tongue and identity are born dead. We are the children who were born dead. Our only chance was for a sacrifice like Rêber APO to lead us and provide us with the conditions of life. Only with the PKK did we breathe and saw life. Now they are attacking our veins of life more than ever, they want to turn us into breathless and dead bodies again. Against this, I know the answer that each of you gives. In the tunnels you are turning your bodies into shields to fight sacrificially against the Dehaks [Dehak is a tyrant and the enemy of the hero Kawa in the legend of Newroz] who want to suppress you, burn you with chemicals. As a comrade of yours, I want you to know that I am trying to share the burden that is on your shoulders with my struggle. Not only me, all the comrades who are not on the frontlines live the same feelings as me, and I believe you feel this deeply. Because we feel each other. We are the pioneers of a new society. This society is a society of democracy, ecology, and women’s freedom. And we are its early examples. Our Rêbertî made a utopia a reality and brought a new humanity to life. As much as becoming a member of a society that was formed with your morality and guidance is a great opportunity for all of us, it also includes the meaning of being a vanguard of history. I sincerely believe that you will all embrace our duties of the time with this responsibility, just as I feel today that I am fighting with you in the tunnels of war, I believe that tomorrow you will be with me in the heart of the enemy, in my action. My only sadness is that when I run towards freedom, I do not fall Şehîd on my land and do not reach the land with the sacred hands of my comrades. Nevertheless, I know that we are quantum-era guerrillas and that we are both everywhere and nowhere in every situation.
How many ages can a person live, how many ages can this person live inside of one life? It is likely that those who are not guerrillas, have not seen the guerrillas, do not know the answer to this. For the guerrilla, to fight is to choose a short life. However, we are living through pain, happiness, excitement, and love a thousand times more than the ones who live as ordinary people in this life that is defined as so short. We are living every feeling with all its hardness. In the system, when a relative dies people convince themselves that they must mourn for the rest of their lives, their so-called world collapses on them. But we put our souls in the ground with our hands, we are bound to them with the bonds of comradeship, this is the most intimate feeling beyond all biological ties and then after this we strengthen our feelings of revenge with every breath that follows. This is meaningful life itself, true love itself. This is the need for humanity, with dignity. Therefore, I am grateful to all the ages I have lived with all of you. I don’t know how many times I will still be born, but I hope to see the PKK again in every life, to be your comrade again. I sincerely believe that you will protect this life until the last drop of your blood, and I give my self-criticism to all my comrades whose struggle I have negatively affected and wish you success in your war. As Şehîd Ekin said, ‘Everything is for the great reunion’.
FOR THE BELOVED WOMEN OF THE PAJK [Women’s Freedom Party of Kurdistan]
Although women are the second gender everywhere in the world, in the Middle East, especially in occupied countries such as Kurdistan, the meaning of being a woman is equal to slavery and death. Until the Kurdish woman with Sara and Bese [Şehîd Sakîne Cansiz and Şehîd Bese Anûş] lit the first lights of freedom. As the owners of the only and first women’s party and army in the world, we are now talking about the advantages of being women in this geography. Indeed, women are crushed everywhere in the world. From the poorest to the richest, from workers to bosses, from politicians to professionals, from the unemployed, from the black to the white, from the American, European, Asian, etc. In today’s world, women are realizing this and are trying to build the grounds for a common struggle for their freedom, but there are also deceptions in our perceptions of freedom. The understanding of freedom of many women, especially in Europe, cannot overcome liberalism’s ideology of freedom. The definition of freedom becomes ‘I will live as I want’, ‘I will approach as I want’, but just as most people are deprived of morality, women are even more likely to become a commodity or resemble men. This misconception of freedom today knowingly gets distributed among the women of the Middle East, especially in the deliberately developed special war practices in Kurdistan. Therefore, every day our women are raped by soldiers, village guards or ‘essential state men’. For the Kurdish woman, as much as it changes her perception of freedom, love, and her perception of loving, our lack of reaching all the women is a matter of self-criticism for us. Just as we cannot claim that we have liberated ourselves, as long as there is a woman who is confronted with these policies, we cannot claim that we are successful in our struggle. We, the women who lived through Rêber APO, reached the true definition of freedom with him and reached organization. We are living a truth that from a society where two women could not come together a women’s party, and a women’s army, was formed. Therefore, there is the advantage of being a woman in Kurdistan. To keep this advantage for ourselves, most of all to its founder, Rêbertî, would be unfair. As his beloved women, we have a responsibility and debt to bring Rêbertî together with all women around the world. If today “Women, Life, Freedom” is no longer a slogan, but a beacon for women’s freedom and peoples, that is being passed from country to country, everyone should know its founder and should shout out to get him out of the island of captivity. All women in the world, all humanity, owe this to our Rêbertî, and it is our responsibility to tell them.
So, beautiful comrades, in the war that women are fighting against the male mentality, which is the longest and most uninterrupted war in history, to be with you, to reach the eternal love and the sincerity of being a woman, to live with you, to fight with you, was, as much as it was an honor, a responsibility as well. I promise that I will live and fight to the end in accordance with the responsibility of becoming a part of this great love, becoming a PAJK militant. By stating that I am dedicating my action to my leading Commander Aryana Baran, I embrace all of you with all my love and wish you success in your struggle.
Being PKK and being PAJK means crossing all borders, to have a common mind, a common power, and a common struggle. No matter how much they want to physically limit you to the walls, you are fighting with us today in the same position against the same enemy. Sometimes you put your body to hunger, sometimes resistance to torture in all its forms was your weapon, but you have always taken the line of Mazlûm and Kemal [Şehîd Mazlûm Dogan and Şehîd Kemal Pîr] as a base. It is still a matter of self-criticism for us that we have not overcome all the difficulties you are experiencing. With this feeling, everything beautiful that I saw in the free zones [the free mountains of Kurdistan] with my eyes I saw for you as well. I looked at the sky, the change of seasons, the warmth of the sun, the calmness of the rain, and tasted it. I know that, as sad as you were, when you received the painful information about us, you also felt deeply the enthusiasm of our actions. No matter how heavy the conditions are, I know that you consider the battlefield where you are, as the area of Rêbertî, and thus focus on it. You have the responsibility and the knowledge to become academics in a new society. You will have many duties in free Kurdistan. With the belief that you know this, I wish you success in your struggle, and I salute you with deep love, respect, and longings.
The process of negotiations with the state, which was supposedly referred to as the peace process, also took away many things from us, despite the warnings of our Rêbertî. Worst of all, by forgetting the state formula and thinking that peace will be achieved, we fell into the trap. Although the price of this state of negligence is heavy, you now need to realize that your discourses of peace, rights and law have not changed. When your children are massacred with chemicals, abandoned to death in prisons, your wives face harassment, rape and insults by the enemy, we need to know what we want from who, or in other words what do we want. You are very honored to have resisted throughout your history. Therefore, you should know best that freedom requires a great price.
In the current situation you can claim that you are paying this price by sending your children to war, but in the current situation there is a need beyond that. Today in Rojhilat [East Kurdistan], in Iran hundreds of people are killed for freedom, but they do not take a step back. You have been a source of inspiration for this tradition of resistance, but today, especially the approach of fear of the people of Bakûr [North Kurdistan], is not understandable. What can be more precious for a family than to send their child into this struggle? Your jobs, your homes? If we are not free, what can that mean? They want us to learn to live without our Rêbertî, who has offered us our dignity. They want to deceive you with such lies that you can live without him. Are you deceived by the lies that this war continues because of the guerrillas? Equipping yourself in every way in the line of a warring nation would be the best answer you can give to your children. The people for whom I am willing to fight for are the people who will raise hell for my martyred comrades whose bones were sent to their mothers by cargo or handed over to their fathers in a sack, and who will destroy the world when their warriors are martyred by chemical weapons. You have this strength and will, because you have seen all kinds of brutality and resisted them to get to today. As Şehîd Çekdar said, ‘The children of a heroic people become fedayî’. If everyone does their part, then the days when we will dance the dance of freedom with our Rêbertî are near. Just be aware of your responsibilities in the revolutionary people’s war and do not keep your children away from the PKK. Every child and young person you keep away from the PKK, no matter how, is touched by the system’s dirtiness.
If there is a society in the present world that has succeeded in staying clean, it is the PKK society. If you want a moral, honorable, wise future, raise your children with Rêbertî’s philosophy, the ideology of the PKK. We militants are aware that we will be free as much as we serve our people. That is why I am aware that whatever I do for you, especially for the mothers of the Şehîds, I want them to know that as their child I am fighting for them the most, I am kissing their sacred hands.
I can imagine you’ll be shocked by the news. But if you’ve understood me even a little bit during our time together, you should know that my joining the party and my struggle afterwards would not be ordinary, that I would always want more, I would always want the best. I always told you that if I didn’t join the PKK, I would blame you for the rest of my life and I wouldn’t be happy and I would make you unhappy. Because you’ve always demonstrated your love as an obstacle to me. True love, on the other hand, requires the creation of a space where your beloved person can live freely. So I want you to know that my love for you reached its true essence after joining the PKK. You must understand that the effort that you gave me, above all your discipline and morality, has led me to choose a life of freedom. To be worthy of you was to fight for you. If you really love me, as you’ve always said, then keep fighting. Resist the enemy not just to the extent of your strength but with all your will, and never cry for me. Your crying humiliates me as it does not glorify me. This will be your first battle with the enemy. I’m going to ask you two things. First, raise my nephews with their own language, their own identity. They should not feel the lack that I felt and they should know Rêbertî, the PKK. Second, bury me in any graveyard of Şehîds, even if there is only a tiny bit left of me. I only sleep peacefully with my comrades. You may lose one daughter, I have lost hundreds of comrades. I hope you understand me. My dear mother, forgive me for not being able to spend too much time with you and caring with you as your only daughter. I was always comfortable thinking that my father and my brothers were caring for you. But I realized within the Party, among my female comrades, that the need of women for other women and women discussing with women cannot be fulfilled by anyone else. So, when I know that you can build everything that you couldn’t with me with the women around you, it will be the best gift for me. As long as you remember me, I am with you, but you will have a stand according to my struggle and remember that all my comrades are your children. I am also a child of thousands of families of Şehîds. At the level you understand me, I’m with you.
Apoistic Greetings and Respect
Asya Alî

The letter of Şehîd Rojger Hêlîn (Ali Örek):
My name is Ali Örek. I was born in Hezex [North Kurdistan] in 2002 and grew up in a patriotic family. My family had a feudal structure and had religious influences, but had deep patriotic feelings. I studied for 8 years. In the first period, after I left school, I started doing works in the youth. Since I met the Party in my childhood, it was not difficult for me to know the Hevals [comrades]. In the period in which I decided to join the Party, I read the fedayî [self-sacrifice] action report of Heval Zîlan. This had a great impact on me and clarified my decision to join. At the same time, the historical phase of Kobanê had also started. Both Heval Zilan’s letter and the magnificent resistance of the people of Rojava and the comrades showed me once again that I need to live big and fight big. In the days when I decided to join, I thought that before I go to the mountains [of Kurdistan], even if it is small, I need to do an action and join like this. In this sense, with three of our comrades in the youth works, we did an action. An old man also saw the moment of the action. I approached him and asked him whether he was Apoist [a follower of Rêber APO, Abdullah Öcalan] or not. He answered me in this way: “Neither you are Apoist nor am I. If you want to see the Apoists go to the mountains.” His answer shook me deeply. Later I learned that he was the father of a Şehîd [martyr]. Like he said, I went to the mountains. In 2014, I joined the Ranks of Freedom in Gabar [North Kurdistan]. Since I was very young, after I gave my promise to become a cadre, I was once again assigned to work in the cities. Apart from me, in 2015, one of my brothers joined the Ranks of Freedom. In 2016, I took my place in the autonomous administration resistance in Hezex. As this process was a great experience for me, it also had a deep impact on my personality. The comrades who fought heroically in the resistance of YPS [Civil Defence Units in North Kurdistan] and became Şehîds, the events that I witnessed during that phase, made me have an even bigger anger towards the enemy. Explaining this process is very difficult for me. But above all, I stayed with Şehîd Rojger, Şehîd Çeko Çatak, Şehîd Rençber, Şehîd Viyan, Şehîd Nûda, Şehîd Hêlîn, Şehîd Rêzan, Şehîd Nûrhaq and many other comrades whose names I did not write and fought under their command. This was worth the world to me. I recognized the embodiment of the fedayî spirit in their reality. Twelve comrades sacrificed themselves to get seven injured comrades off the battlefield with me. The effect that this had on me cannot be found in any words of any language. Only with my practice can I show a stance worthy of these beautiful comrades. Therefore, the action I will take will be also to take revenge for these comrades.
After I was injured during the YPS phase, in 2016 I went to Gabar again and from there I went to Başûr [Southern Kurdistan] for treatment. After my treatment, I was sent to Heftanîn [Southern Kurdistan]. I was in the practice of war, but after I joined I didn’t see education. For this reason, after a while, I was sent to Garê [Southern Kurdistan] to Şervanên Nû [New Warriors education]. After the education, I stayed in the area of Garê for three years. In 2019, I once again joined YPS works.
After I arrived in the mountains, with the aim of getting to know my personality in the reality of Serokatî [presidency, refers to Abdullah Öcalan] and to educate myself, as well as to support the goals of the comrades that became Şehîds and respond to the process with a selfless attitude, I proposed myself to join the Special Forces. My proposal was accepted in 2023. As soon as I came to the structure, I tried to acquire the necessary professional and practical expertise in order to be able to perform a fedayî action. The phase we are going through, the reckless attacks of the enemy and the current revolution, ordered my conscience to be fedaî. I am determined to be a honest warrior and a strong follower of Şehîd Zîlan. In it, I know that fedayîtî [selflessness] is sung with hard work, it comes with patience and it needs a great will. In the real sense, it needs determination and it needs to go through the education of Rebertî. With this knowledge, I believe that I will carry out the responsibility of the duty that I undertake, with all my sincerity. I feel ready for this task more than ever.
My dear Serok [president, refers to Abdullah Öcalan], first of all, the conditions you are living in, hurts and saddens us a lot. Even if we give our souls and lives for your endless efforts, it will not be enough. You created everything anew based on your life. We are the results of your efforts. No matter what we do in front of this great sacrifice, we cannot repay our debt. Our party reached this level as a result of great efforts, hard work and heavy costs. To achieve any value we have to pay the costs. We were built in your personality, we are with you and we will continue our march of freedom with you. Because of your hard work and efforts, even if it is less, in order for me to be worthy, I will try to repay my debt to you with this march that I have started and with this action that I have decided to make. We are with you. Just as without the rising of the sun, the world will not brighten, without you there is no free life. My biggest dream was to meet you. I have always dreamed of when I will meet our Rêber [leader, means Abdullah Öcalan] in our lifetime. Even if I will not get the chance to see you physically, I believe that I will reach you through my action. The day that I was supposed to meet you, our Şehîds, our comrades and our people has finally arrived. I will walk towards my target with confident steps and I will evaluate even the smallest opportunities for a big blow to the enemy.
My Serok, there were tasks that we could not fulfill in time. For the shortcomings in my tasks and comradeship I promise to give self-criticism with my practice. In this way I want to fulfill my responsibility of comradeship. The level of my fight against the enemy will show the level of my love for you.
The sun has not been darkened, it cannot be darkened and it will never be darkened.
We come together as a community of difficult and blessed struggle. As the clan of APO, we need to live and fight with the knowledge of our historical responsibility. We must not forget that one of the reasons why the isolation of Rêbertî has lasted for so many years is that we have not yet been able to bring the flag of the struggle to the peak and victory. Until we do that, we cannot hold our heads high according to the reality of Serokatî . First of all, we all need to be in the practice of paying our debt in the face of this reality that grants our existence. In this sense, the time to focus on our personal problems, which the system has built into our personality, is over. The fifty year old culture of the PKK is sufficient for building a new person. PKK militants are the purest people in the world. The philosophy of Serokatî has built up people with morality. The first responsibility of morality is freedom. That’s why freedom creates beauty. Our Şehîds showed us the path to walk. As their followers, we should not think about anything other than raising the flag of struggle. For this reason, we need to start being successful in life and, for the war, more than ever before we need to strengthen our attacks. With the knowledge that every work in every field of struggle serves the revolution, we should not forget Rêbertî even for a moment and embrace our duties. After this hour and beyond, we don’t have and can’t have the luxury of spreading the revolution over time.
My comrades, I believe that living with you, fighting by your side, is the most beautiful feeling in this world. The strength and morale that I received from you led me to this action. Therefore, all of you will be by my side in the action that I am going to do. We will win together. The last thing I want to say is that even if I were born a thousand more times, I would like to be your comrade again, to be a PKK militant again.
I was still a child when I joined the Party. I took my first shape together with you. Therefore, in my entire life of struggle an important point that I dealt with and became a fundamental problem of life, was to bring a principled and true route to the struggle of comradeship with women. It will be difficult to show the courage to approach a woman until a real struggle is waged. I see day by day that women are really life.
Rêbertî created the free woman, the free woman who was created is now creating the free man. The world is reborn with your hands. But you must not forget that, not only against the enemy, you are fighting against a world system. Obstacles that stand in the way of your complete freedom are still a threat. I have witnessed your will with my own eyes. But please don’t lose your natural defense even for a moment. Rêbertî entrusted our party to you. Therefore, I want you to know that we need your leadership in every field more than ever. Even if I did not intend it, if I have made a mistake against you, or had a feudal approach, I give my self-criticism. This action that I am going to do will be a self-criticism of the right relationship with you.
“With this action, I want to be a fighter who walks under the command of Zîlan.”
I was still a child when I discovered the resilient spirit of this people. When I was alone in a house with a few bullets, surrounded by the enemy, you, with a call you made from the mosque, got up from your places and broke the enemy’s siege, you overcame it. When I saw the mothers who hugged me with trills of joy and created a shield with themselves in front of me, I said ‘This is the truth of the people that Rêber APO has built’. This was my rebirth. From that day onwards, I, as your child, entered into the search to be worthy of this nation. But I know that no matter what I do, I can’t pay my debt.
What enemy can stand against a people like this? Who can crush such a people with policies of destruction and denial? What power can cut them off from their Rêbertî? It is high time to end the silence you have been in for a long time. People need to stop and re-embrace the spirit of rebellion. There is nothing much to lose. Personal and family concerns should be put aside, we as a people and a movement need to come back to the level of a circle of fire around Rêbertî. Only those who kill death can be fedayî. We have long since overcome the word death. A revolution is waiting for us, which we will make together. And those whose spirit burns with the fire of revolution are invited to this dance! With the belief that the revolutionary people’s war will definitely bring victory…
First of all, I want you to know that I feel very lucky to have been born in a patriotic family like yours. The knowledge of patriotism that you gave us became my philosophy of life. In order to be able to be a child worthy of you, I joined the freedom movement. You need to approach this action that I am going to do and strongly support it. Don’t bow down to the enemy’s policies. I believe that you will show strong resistance against those who would try to reverse the effect of the action. I believe that you will not approach emotionally and mourn. Defend your willful stance. My only request is that you take good care of my sisters. I love you all so much. I kiss the hand of my mother and father and send my greetings to all my brothers and sisters.
“A free life for an hour is worth more than a thousand years of slavery.”
Revolutionary Greetings and Respect
Rojger Hêlîn