“We are entering the phase of the new revolutions” – Text by Abdullah Öcalan

“The USA still determines the international strategy, in which Turkey and its leadership have an important place. Concerning the Balkans, the Caucasus and the Middle East, there may be strategic relations with the Turkish leadership. However, such a relationship does not have to be permanent and inescapable. The Emperor’s growing interest in this relationship is also linked to his skeptical character. He doesn’t let go of Turkey, but is always looking for alternatives to her, as he always has to fear losing her. This is often emphasized, especially by Turkish Prime Ministers, who say “You support us a lot; for the first time there is such a high level of international interest in us; our strategic importance has been understood”. Yes, they got it, but they also know that Turkish leadership is ephemeral. Because the USA sees that they can no longer do this work alone through agents and are therefore developing other measures.

This is roughly how the attitude of the USA could be represented. Their strategy says “We will treat Turkey with the same utmost care in its demise, whether 24 or an hour before”. However, on the other hand, they panic when asked what can be done about it. While labeling the PKK as the number one terrorist, they are also concerned about how to establish direct or indirect relations with the PKK. For this they mobilize their collaborators, even invite them to important events and turn on all their small and large agents. They’re greenlighting the development of a temperate wing in our circles that they’re crazy about. They are looking for it with great persistence. Above all, when they shout “Terrorist PKK” very loudly, they mean pleadingly: “Develop one moderate PKK”. This shows that they are in a bottleneck and at the same time reveals that they are very close to recognizing our political force, the PKK, including our military forces, and therefore will not hesitate to seek contact with us.

It is wrong to think that US strategy will show no interest in an emerging revolutionary development and will merely try to defame it with methods of defamation such as they to call “terrorist” to strangle us. The US will seek to intervene in the internal affairs of the revolution. If they fail to locate a moderate wing, they will invade the revolution and strive to develop such a wing. This, if they exist by then, would maintain their attitude even 10 or 50 years after the victory of the revolution. We have no doubts about that. We will follow very closely what strategy, what relationships and what goals they have. As such, we do not fear them, nor are we afraid of making contact with them. But we will be skeptical about their intentions, goals and exploitative imperialist values. We have to understand them very well, see their political intentions for today and for the next 10 or 50 years and work against them. We will contact them to get to know them better, to hold them accountable for years of undignified policies against us.

Is humanity finished?

It is not possible to overlook the power of the United States as the greatest emperor of our time and not to look at it from all angles. Above all, they cannot be denied, regardless of whether we have relations with them or not. It is important to fight them when there are no relationships with them. But it is especially important to fight against them when we have the best relationship with them. If imperialism develops through its constant renewal, so must our revolution, in order to be able to fight against it at any time. This is necessary for victory and for great development.

It is perfectly obvious that imperialism exists and that it has not been eradicated. In the past, the Turkish left widely believed that imperialism had been overcome, to the point that today the term imperialism is no longer heard from them, as if imperialism no longer exists. There is imperialism in such a way that it dominates the inside of the people. By refining this methodology and focus, it is in the minds and hearts. In place of gross militarism, gross political repression and gross economic exploitation, a new kind of imperialism has emerged, that over man as an individual goes out, so their current development is based on driving people into culturelessness and emotionlessness, stirring up human instincts and animalizing people.

These aspects of imperialist development must be seen. It is in an attack on nature and the environment, the soul and history of man. The reality known as environmental pollution in recent years, the destruction of the environment in which there are fewer and fewer livelihoods for people, expresses the ruthlessness of the imperialist attack. The attacks on people’s history and historical values are large-scale. With the so-called “American way of life”, the imperialistic American way of life, all ethical values, the historical consciousness and the historical values of the people are to be made to be forgotten under the motto “historylessness” or “the end of history has come”. Is it really the story that ends? Or is it imperialism that is dying out and is at an end through its permanent loss of history? Or is humanity finished?

These questions need to be investigated. Imperialism blackens the soul and conscience. Because it is not only based on pure profit. Certainly there is still the gross exploitation. But today we are confronted with the fact that he has taken possession of the hitherto unconquered human soul and is marketing it; just like women and human feelings. Under the name of globalization, the diversity of nations, cultures and the souls of peoples are being destroyed. Imperialism has declared war on these values. Through the unlimited support of international speculation (stock exchanges, banks…), monopolies and multinational corporations, he created the basis for his attacks to gain a foothold.

It is becoming apparent that imperialism is neither regressing nor is it finished. On the contrary, its further development can be observed. Imperialism is not finished, it is deepening, expanding and penetrating the psyche of the people. Of course, a process of dissolution of imperialism is also conceivable, since every process has a phase of development and decline. Consequently, instead of imperialization, the process of de-imperialization would begin here. However, the opposite trend is considered to be developing. A weakening and regression of imperialism would be seen when, firstly, states became more and more independent, and secondly, when peoples moved towards common life united while the first phase of imperialism ended with the phase of national liberation and the crude exploitation of labor in the 19th th century, the 20th century marks the second phase.

Both major phases ultimately have imperialist exploitation and political repression led to a regression. In all likelihood, the 21st century will be the century when the damage done by imperialism to people’s minds, souls and cultures will be undone. The tasks at this time include, in particular, repairing the damage to the environment, solving the problem of population growth, ending the so-called lack of history and the consumption of historical values; to stop suffocating the human soul; to end the reification of women, to prevent the commodification and exploitation of sexuality, and to enable women to render services to humanity, to reconnect with human culture, history and nature. I can already see with conviction that women’s liberation is emerging as the main goal of the revolutions of the 21st century.

In this sense, we are not talking about the end of revolutions, but about entering the phase of revolutions that require deep and sensitive work. In other words, it means that we have left the phase of crude class and national struggle and will enter the phase of deep social, cultural, spiritual, psychological and ethical revolutions. These are at least as significant as the military, political and economic revolutions. Without the spiritual, social and natural revolution of man, how can we speak of a healthy revolution or a healthy life? Consequently, it becomes necessary to counter the intensified and internalised attacks of imperialism with profound, spiritual, ethical, moral, historical and world revolutions.

Humanity must be defended

Undoubtedly, imperialism will no longer be able to act alone, as it did in the past, with crude attacks against the people’s revolutions and social structures alone. It will use other methods and is already doing so. It will refer to its technological achievements and can therefore lead the world psychologically in a comprehensive way. Worldwide he is installing scientific and technical leaderships all over the world and intends, through technological development to take the people hostage. He will no longer make use of atomic bombs, because otherwise he himself would no longer have a world to live in. It is also no longer necessary for him necessary for him to occupy further territories, for on the one hand there is hardly a place left that is not occupied by it, and on the other hand, it is no longer necessary. For imperialism, it has therefore become a imperialism to consider another form of occupation, another kind of weaponry. These intentions are already being implemented. This is the psychological war. In this context also, it is using these deep methods and will continue to exploit them.

The talk here is of planting wars in people’s minds and souls and carrying them out there. It will develop the newly created degree of dependence of minds and souls. Therefore, the revolution of the head, the soul and their particular methodology is is necessary. This means a revolution for independent thinking, for the non-selling of the soul and for the defence of elementary human values. We can also call this a defence revolution. Because if the intention is to destroy humanity, it must be defended. If the If the environment is destroyed, then it must be prevented and defended by appropriate technical means. defended. We will stand against the timeless destruction of social groups and nations, as well as against the destruction of languages and cultures.

In fact, by driving people into stress and tension, a new kind of disease has emerged. Moreover, stress has become the cause of all diseases. Against all this, man must see in himself a saving task. Stress is a phenomenon of imperialism as well as new diseases. The struggle against it is the anti-imperialist struggle. The forms of this struggle must be found. It becomes obvious that revolution is the only solution against these phenomena. Because it is in the nature of imperialist development to bring many diseases with it. It can It can only be overcome by a new social order – that is, by a revolution. Also we will find the necessary technology for this.

The path of a new theory is opening up for socialism. The theories of socialism of the 19th century socialism cannot make a successful contribution at this stage. This means that we are not satisfied with the evaluations and ingrained theories of 19th century socialism, nor with the evaluations of the national liberation revolutions and imperialism of the 20th century. We can enrich socialist theory. We can contribute to socialist theory socialist theory by not only exposing and analysing the problems of the 21st century, i.e. our current problems, but also by developing the necessary methodology to solve them.

However, the need for a new theory does not mean denying the past completely. To contribute to socialism means, without denying the old party views and methods of struggle, to have the party understanding and struggle rich in tactics necessary for this phase. There must be much more talk of extending the old socialist tactics of struggle by developing new tactics. The time of the classical theory and practice of socialism is not over, nor has socialism suffered a decisive defeat. suffered a decisive defeat. On the contrary, through the implementation of the new theories that have become inevitable, it is becoming with new practical forms. Just as the struggle against imperialism and its leaders, there must be the same for the new socialism. The disintegration of real socialism in the Soviet Union does not mean that everything is over. The achievements of that time will again open the way to socialism in various forms. socialism. The successes of small and large countries and peoples at that time also bear witness and large countries and peoples also show that they are based on a stable foundation and can therefore provide a basis for the new socialism. In this context, it is important to be aware of the scientific character of socialism. With our liberation struggle, we show this fact very clearly.

Germany will not just stand by

While the USA is playing the role of leading actor and emperor, Germany will certainly not just stand by and watch. For Germany has had imperialist interests in both the 19th and 20th centuries. For this reason, it caused two major world wars and several minor wars. Starting with fascist expansion and ending with genocide, Germany has become the evil of mankind. Germany not only carried out the mass murder of Jews, but by supporting the Ittihat and Terraki*, it allowed the murder of Armenians to be carried out. Is it possible to overlook German support in the war in Kurdistan even today? It is indeed very important to understand well the share of German imperialism in the mass murders both inside and both inside and outside its borders.

Japan is building itself up and is in the process of expanding worldwide. To do this, it has to feed this fascist regime and is always careful not to be behind the USA and Germany. The pretext of developing the Middle East hides the intention of making this region economically dependent and expanding there. It wakes up very late and brings the development to a bad end. Of great importance is an accurate assessment of the regression in Russia. Is Russia imperialist? Will imperialism come to Russia with the disintegration of real socialism or will a new socialist development be initiated? In order to answer these questions these questions, the contradictory political character of Russia must first be discussed. In Russia, it is clear that the collapse of real socialism did not mean the end of the country. Today, rather, there is a struggle between the developing socialist, the nationalist forces and those with an interest in capitalism. These contradictions make it possible to build new relations with imperialist countries. Therefore Russia’s task in the Balkans, the Caucasus and the Middle East must be well studied.

What way out will the Kurdish revolution find?

The increasing imperialist contradictions raise the questions of which way out the revolution of revolution of Kurdistan will find and how it can make use of them. The dissolution of The dissolution of real socialism has led to the intensification of contradictions in the imperialist countries. This condition brings more advantages than the former status quo, and at the end of the development will be the overcoming of the contradictions. Also, the chaos called the “New World Order” of the USA, increases the chances of revolution.

Moreover, there are some changes in the Middle East. At present, it looks as if the old familiar Arab-Israeli conflict is taking the path of compromise. This process will not bring fundamental peace and therefore not the desired willingness to compromise. For Israel or its Zionist manifestations will not be limited to Israel. Zionism is a force that has influence and a determining effect worldwide. Israel will not be satisfied with Palestine and the Palestine and the Arab states. Its interest will be to expand its sphere of influence.

Quite obviously, his influence is on Turkey and the Turkish leadership. We also know that it wants to expand its relations with the Turkic states through Turkey. It is also known that many Arab leaderships rely on Israel. For this reason, the Arab-Israeli conflict mentioned above cannot be conflict cannot easily be solved by compromise. On the contrary, the aforementioned will deepen the contradictions. Nevertheless, the path of compromise is necessary; for on the one hand, because the political balance of power demands it, and on the other hand, because it is clear that the old old methods of confrontation do not advance either one side or the other. These forms of confrontation are therefore becoming increasingly pointless. Neither the Arabs were able to wipe out Israel according to their wishes, nor could Israel bring the Arabs to their knees. In the case of both, there can be no question of absolute victory. In the end, both were forced to enter into peace talks. Neither side succeeded in advance in building the foundation for their respective intentions and in realising their plans. So they took the middle road and are dialogues at present.

However, it must be stressed that just as a military end to the conflict is end to the conflict is possible, neither is a long-term, stable and strategic peace. What is at stake here is an indecisive phase in which indecision shapes the politics of compromises. This unstable state can be destroyed at any time. Compromises will be made whose implementation will be blocked again and again: they will be accompanied by their contradictoriness.

At this point, Iran’s situation from the eastern perspective must also be taken into account. Iran is a state that has always been in conflict with the leaderships of the Arab states, the Caucasus and the Middle East. The long Iran-Iraq war was based on historical contradictions. Iran is also in conflict with Turkey. This is not primarily primarily about religious differences. The conflict between the two has political causes and is the result of of historical contradictions. Therefore, it is difficult for it to compromise with Turkey, and even more so to develop a friendship based on trust with Turkey. This also applies to Iran’s relations with Iraq and other Arab states. The great contradictions between them have a blocking effect. Therefore, Iran will always be involved in the contradictions of our region. be involved. Iran had this attitude both in the times of the Shah and today, and will probably continue to do so in the future. But it cannot resolve its contradictions with wars or through stable compromises.”

*: Ittihat and Terraki: organisations of the so-called Young Turks around Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

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