We, the Internationalist Commune of Rojava, call on our supporters around the world to help us with our next step in the work of building an ecological society.
Most of the grid electricity in Rojava comes from the hydroelectric dams in the west, with about a quarter from the natural gas flared during oil production. Municipal and private diesel generators fill in the gaps. Even though the region is suited to harnessing both wind and solar energy, due to the regime’s decades-long oil-focused policy for Rojava’s economy there has been little progress in developing renewable forms of energy. This is an important part of the ecological revolution, and the Internationalist Commune intends to play its part in strengthening this pillar of the Rojava Revolution by continuing and expanding our Make Rojava Green Again campaign.
Rojava’s situation between mountain and desert, as well as its southerly latitude, make it an excellent location for both wind and solar energy. Our Academy is situated on a locally prominent ridge, which makes its grounds even more suitable for harnessing wind energy. We recently acquired a 12-metre steel tower, which we intend to use for this purpose. The political structures in Rojava intend our small renewable energy project to be a working example for society here as it shakes off its reliance on fossil fuels, for Rojava as a whole but in particular for the local area. But what we lack is expertise.

So, in the name of international solidarity, we make this call to you to help us. Those among you who have worked with renewable energy, whether as scientists, engineers, or builders, we need your help in making wind energy production here at the Internationalist Academy a reality. We seek your advice about what we should do and how we should do it. Get in touch with us. Those of you who would like to come to work here will be welcomed with open arms.
Email us at:
makerojavagreenagain at riseup.net
Internationalist Commune of Rojava
We will be happy to contribute whatever we can.
Hi Internationalistcommune in Rojava
I write from Denmark, where we in 2015 have started an internationalist solidarity organisation to support the liberation of the kurds in Nordvest of Syrian about organic farming, solar- and wind energy.Please tjeck our web-site for more information in English: http://www.eco-rojava.dk, and watch a little video about our trip til Rojava in 2017.
Our name in Danish is “Økologisk Rojava”, in English “Organic Rojava”. We have visited Rojava/Quamishli in maj 2017 and tried to start the preparations for an organic agricultural College. We made connection with the University of Quamishli Agricultural institute, but it was very difficult to get a local contact who could speak English and keep the contact after we vent home to Denmark.
We have raise some fonds and knowledge in Denmark about sustaineble energy, organic methods, practise and machinery, because I have been an Organic farmer in Denmark for 20 years, and we have educated Agronoms, professors and students about reforesting and organic landscaping in our organization.
We would very much like to come and visit you at the academy in may this year, if it is possible, and talk with you about how we could start a project about establishing an Organic farming College, and help with wind turbines or solar panels.
We would very much like to establish contact with you and find out how we could start some cooperation and support.
Best wishes from
Jørgen Holst
Organic Rojava
Tel. no. 0045 71 78 46 65
Mail: [email protected]
Roskilde, Denmark.