Everywhere is Afrin, everywhere is resistance – statement

For 13 days, the fascist Turkish Army and jihadist militias have bombarded, attacked and occupied the Afrin region in Rojava, northern Syria. As people who followed their conscience and came to Rojava to participate in the revolution, as internationalists and part of a society in northern Syria in the midst of revolutionary struggle, we are in mourning over the many civilian casualties and angry about the Turkish aggression.

The targeted bombing of civilians, the use of chemical weapons, and the threat of ethnic cleansing by the Turkish state are more than military actions, they are the first signs of a genocide against the people of northern Syria. We are concerned about the people of Afrin and our friends and comrades there, who courageously oppose the invasion at great risk.

We are not stunned by the murderous silence of states and international institutions – we have never expected anything different from those who for decades have accepted, supported and profited from the suppression and denial of the Kurdish people. The rulers of this false community remain true to their cruel principles of maximum profit and geostrategic interests. Instead of the emancipation of peoples through radical democracy, women’s liberation and an ecological society, the hegemonic powers prefer fascism. Without the consent of NATO and Russia, this war could not have happened. This is not simply a capitulation to a dictator or betrayal of former allies, but a settling of accounts with a revolutionary project which shows an alternative to capitalist modernity.

We are aware of the importance of these days – the struggle for Afrin is a struggle for the existence of the revolution in northern Syria and will determine the future of the entire Middle East. With each bomb on villages and towns, our anger grows. With every victim, our resolve grows. With every day of this invasion, our will to put an end to barbarism by all means increases. The sordid plans of the rulers of this world will not come to pass. The silent international agreement to suffocate this revolution in blood and suffering will not be able to destroy the dreams of the people of northern Syria for a life of freedom and justice. From Arin Mirkan, Dilsoz Bihar and Ciwan Firat to Avesta Xabur – the will to resist at all costs has pierced deep into the hearts of the murderers and occupiers. It is this spirit of faith, determination and selflessness that broke the wave of the Islamic State at Kobani and which today will also stop the fascist hordes of Erdogan, in Afrin and all of Rojava.

In these days, all our hearts and minds are in Afrin. The situation there simultaneously causes us concern and gives us hope, but above all, for us Afrin means resistance. Resistance to oppression, to injustice, to fascism. Just as our friends in Afrin steadfastly resist the attacks of the Turkish state and its helpers, we want to carry their resistance all over the world, into the heart of the beast, into the centers of power. Together with the Kurdish women’s movement and many others, we call on people worldwide to bring their resistance to the streets on 3 February in solidarity with the people of Afrin. Show Turkish fascism and its helpers that Rojava and Afrin are not alone, that this revolution has become a beacon of hope for, and will be defended by, people throughout the world! No pasaran!

Biji Serok Apo!
Biji Berxwedana YPG / YPJ / QSD!
Biji Berxwedana Afrin!
Long live international solidarity!