Global call to defend the Rojava Revolution!

On 2nd November a global day of resistance for Rojava brought thousands of people out onto the streets in dozens of cities around the world.

For the people of Northern Syria, currently resisting an invasion by the Turkish army and its jihadist proxies, the joy and hope that these demonstrations brought is amongst the greatest gifts one could hope for. It reminds us that we are not alone against the Salafist hordes that the Turkish state is sending. We salute all the actions and demonstrations happening in solidarity with Rojava and send our warmest greeting to those who are supporting the campaigns of #RiseUp4Rojava and #WomenDefendRojava. The resistance continues, as does the revolution, and today more than ever we need solidarity and support.

When you make a revolution against patriarchy, the nation-state and capitalism, of course you can’t rely on other states to support you. We use to say that the Kurds have ‘no friends but the mountains’, but on 2nd November we saw this was not true. The international solidarity that Rojava is witnessing is inspirational; it inspires us as internationalists in Rojava to remain steadfast on the barricades of this revolution and to commit to our many different works here, because we know that all our many struggles are entwined. Today the struggle is Rojava, tomorrow it could be anywhere else, and by defending Rojava we are defending not only the people and the revolution here, but also the hope that another world is possible.

Internationalism is an essential dimension in the history of revolutionary movements, and Rojava is today writing an important chapter. From the First International Association of Workers to the Tri-Continental Conference, from the 50,000 of the International Brigades who travelled to Spain to fight fascism in 1936, to the 500,000 Cuban revolutionaries who travelled to Africa to support decolonisation struggles, from the solidarity with the resistance in Vietnam to the antiglobalisation movements, from the revolutionary inter-communalism of the Black Panthers to the solidarity with Palestinian revolutionary resistance. Rojava is today heritage of this history of internationalism, and we are called to play our role in it.

Of course there are other important struggles happening all around the world. We see the uprisings in South America, with big mobilisations happening in Chile, the new ‘caracoles’ declared by the EZLN in Chiapas, and the resistance in Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador and Argentina. We see the Catalan people resisting against the attacks of the Spanish state. We see the massive uprisings happening in Middle East, such as in Lebanon or Iraq, in Sudan and Egypt, and other peoples in Africa looking for alternatives to the nation-state model that colonial powers imposed on them. We see the resistance movements of India, Philippines, Indonesia, and we stand with all revolutionaries who fight to bring all oppression to an end.

Internationalism in the twenty-first century has a lot of colours, but for sure the colour of the woman is the one that shines brightest. Patriarchy is the foundation upon which all social oppression is built, and the liberation from the mentality of dominant male must always be in the forefront of any revolutionary struggle. The defence of nature, so exploited and abused by the industrial system, has to be also in the first line, facing the ecological crisis that capitalism created. Democracy is our flag, but not the parliamentary democracy that Western powers tried to impose to the rest of the World. We raise the flag of the commune, the democracy of local councils and popular assemblies.

For all of this, we call to defend this revolution, and to make it a cradle for a global democratic modernity.

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