
Rheinmetall entwaffen – Bevölkerung Rojavas verurteilt Deutsche Waffenexporte

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcsdSFiGCsQ[/embedyt] Wir haben anlässlich des Campes „Rheinmetall entwaffen“ im niedersächsischen Unterlüß, vom 29.08.2018 bis zum 04.09.2018 mit der Bevölkerung…

“A society can never be free without women’s liberation.”
Abdullah Ocalan

VEDENGA ROJAVA, echoes of the resistance – an internationalist radio project from Rojava

VEDENGA ROJAVA, echoes of the resistance – an internationalist radio project from Rojava

InternationalistCommuneMay 17, 20182 min read

The first program of Vevenga Rojava is out! you can listen it on the soundlcoud site of this internationalist radio project: https://soundcloud.com/vedengarojava An internationalists radio project bringing an inside look…

Palestina, Kurdistan! Intifada, serhildan!

Palestina, Kurdistan! Intifada, serhildan!

InternationalistCommuneMay 16, 20183 min read

Being the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel, large mobilisations have been organized in Gaza under the slogan: “the march of the return”. Children and grandchildren…

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