People of Rojava comdemn German weapon delivieries to Turkey

We asked the people of Rojava for their opinion about German weapon deliveries to Turkey and the role of the company “Rheinmetall”.

The people directly ask the workers of Rheinmetall to stop working “until no one is working anymore in these factories”. This said Baran from Derik, he continues: “We strongly condemn this. Why? Because the Turkish state uses these weapons against the Kurdish civil population against children, old men, grandmas, women. Moreover they use them to burn the forests and fields here. The bombs poison all the lakes and other sources of water.”

Two Women talk about the war in Afrin. They themselves have been attack when joining a convoy of civilians in support of Afrin. They have been targeted by Turkish artillery. In Afrin many tanks manufactured by Rheinmetall have been used against the civilian population. Also children from Derik directly speak about the company Rheinmetall and put a focus on that many children were killed by German weapons.

More information about the people displaced from Afrin you can find here:

Report on the Displaced People from Afrin Canton in Shahba, Northern Syria and Surrounding Areas Report on the Displaced People in the Shahba camps (facing-pages)(1) Health and Medical Situation of Displaced Women and Children in Shahba Region(1)

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