Author name: InternationalistCommune

“Come vivere? Cosa fare? Dove iniziare?” Testo di Abdullah Öcalan

Il liberalismo, come monopolio ideologico della modernità, cerca attraverso un vero e proprio bombardamento mediatico di creare uno stato di caos nella coscienza delle persone. Le sue armi fondamentali sono il fondamentalismo, il nazionalismo, il sessismo e la scienza moderna come una “nuova religione positivista”. Mentre il liberalismo (attraverso il fondamentalismo) controlla la coscienza delle […]

“Come vivere? Cosa fare? Dove iniziare?” Testo di Abdullah Öcalan Read More »

“Wie leben, was tun, wo beginnen?” Ein Text von Abdullah Öcalan

Ein Text von Abdullah Öcalan aus dem Vierten Teil des Manifests der Demokratischen Moderne “DIE DEMOKRATISCHE ZIVILISATIONWEGE AUS DER ZIVILISATIONSKRISE IM NAHEN OSTEN” “Der Liberalismus als ideologisches Monopol der Moderne schafft einerseits eine Inflation von Ansichten und macht andererseits seinen größten Reibach durch diese Inflation; aus der inflationären Zahl von Ansichten nutzt er diejenigen, die

“Wie leben, was tun, wo beginnen?” Ein Text von Abdullah Öcalan Read More »

«Как жить, что делать, с чего начать?» Абдулла Оджалан

Либерализм, как идеологический монополист современности, пытается через настоящий медийный обстрел создать состояние хаоса в сознании людей. Их основное оружие — фундаментализм, национализм, сексизм и современная наука как «новая позитивистская религия». Пока либерализм (через фундаментализм) контролирует сознание предкапиталистического общества, он контролирует и граждан национального государства, отвлекая их от классовых противоречий через национализм. Сексизм — их наиболее

«Как жить, что делать, с чего начать?» Абдулла Оджалан Read More »

“Comment vivre? Que faire? Par où commencer?” Texte par Abdullah Öcalan

Le libéralisme, en tant que monopole idéologique de la modernité, tente par un véritable bombardement médiatique de créer un état de chaos dans la conscience des gens. Ses armes de base sont le fondamentalisme, le nationalisme, le sexisme et la science moderne en tant que “nouvelle religion positivistes. Si le libéralisme (par le biais du

“Comment vivre? Que faire? Par où commencer?” Texte par Abdullah Öcalan Read More »

“How to live? What to do? Where to start?” Text by Abdullah Öcalan

Available in Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Russian. Liberalism, as the ideological monopoly of modernity, tries by a veritable media bombardment to create a state of chaos in the consciousness of the people. Their basic weapons are fundamentalism, nationalism, sexism, and modern science as a “new positivist religion”. While liberalism (through fundamentalism) controls the conscience of

“How to live? What to do? Where to start?” Text by Abdullah Öcalan Read More »

Juventude significa compreensão. Texto de Abdullah Öcalan.

“Assim como grandes infortúnios advêm da ignorância, um grande amor surge do profundo conhecimento, consciência e compreensão. Para isso, é necessário pensar grande. Grandes pensamentos mantêm o humano vivo. O ser humano vive em prol de grandes pensamentos pelos quais ele trabalha. Se vocês pensarem grande, criarão grandes coisas. Somente grandes pensadores podem mudar o

Juventude significa compreensão. Texto de Abdullah Öcalan. Read More »

Youth means understanding. Text by Abdullah Öcalan

Just as great misfortune comes from ignorance, great love comes from deep knowledge and awareness and consciousness. For this, great thought is necessary. Great thoughts keep people alive. People live, for the sake of great thoughts they toil. If you think big you will create great things. Only great thinkers can change the world. –

Youth means understanding. Text by Abdullah Öcalan Read More »

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