We Are Tishreen: Join the action days for Kobanê and Tishreen!

From the protest camp at the Tishrin Dam in Rojava, North-East Syria we call on all the youth organizations, socialists, antifascists, ecologist, women’s movements and everyone that stands against war to speak up to the war crimes being committed by the Turkish state on the Tishreen Dam and to start actions to stop the attacks.

We Are Tishreen: Join the action days for Kobanê and Tishreen! Read More »

The youth of North-East Syria stands in solidarity with the struggling people of Balochistan

The people of Balochistan have announced the 25th of January as the “Baloch Genocide Day”, since this day commemorates the gruesome discovery of over 100 mutilated bodies of Baloch in Tootak, Balochistan, in 2014. These people had been forcibly disappeared by Pakistani intelligence agencies, paramilitary and their death squad militias. This tragic event has left

The youth of North-East Syria stands in solidarity with the struggling people of Balochistan Read More »

Il Rojava è il nostro futuro – Nel centro della crisi economica, sta venendo costruita un’alternativa

Nel centro di una crisi ecologica che ci sta mostrando ogni giorno di più che la nostra sopravvivenza su questo pianeta è a rischio, tra gli storici fiumi Tigri ed Eufrate, una rivoluzione basata sull’ecologia sociale, la democrazia e la liberazione delle donne sta progredendo. Sta lottando per difendere la vita nella regione e per

Il Rojava è il nostro futuro – Nel centro della crisi economica, sta venendo costruita un’alternativa Read More »

Rojava es nuestro futuro – construyendo una alternativa en medio de la crisis ecológica

En medio de una crisis ecológica que nos muestra cada día más que nuestra supervivencia en este planeta está en peligro, entre los históricos ríos Éufrates y Tigris, avanza una revolución basada en la ecología social, la democracia y la liberación de las mujeres. Esta lucha defiende la vida en la región y busca construir

Rojava es nuestro futuro – construyendo una alternativa en medio de la crisis ecológica Read More »

Rojava is our future – building an alternative in the midst of the ecological crisis

In the midst of an ecological crisis that shows us more and more every day that our survival on this planet is in danger, between the historic rivers Euphrates and Tigris, a revolution based on social-ecology, democracy and women’s liberation is progressing. It is fighting to defend life in the region and to build an

Rojava is our future – building an alternative in the midst of the ecological crisis Read More »

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