Wir gratulieren zum 4. April, dem Geburtstag von Abdullah Öcalan!

Am 04. April gratulieren wir der Internationalistischen Jugend, den kämpfenden Frauen auf der ganzen Welt und allen nach Demokratie und Freiheit strebenden FreundInnen zum Geburtstag Abdullah Öcalans! Warum ist dieser Tag für uns alle bedeutend? Die Wahrheitssuche Abdullah Öcalans hat in seiner Kindheit begonnen. Es war seine Antwort auf die Ungerechtigkeit die die Mädchen in

Wir gratulieren zum 4. April, dem Geburtstag von Abdullah Öcalan! Read More »

Congratulations to April 4th, the Birthday of Abdullah Ocalan!

On April 4th, the birthday of Abdullah Öcalan, we congratulate the Internationalist Youth, the fighting women all over the world and all friends striving for democracy and freedom! Why is this day important for all of us? Abdullah Ocalan’s search for truth began in his childhood. It was his response to the injustice experienced by

Congratulations to April 4th, the Birthday of Abdullah Ocalan! Read More »

Interview with Yadê Suat, Mother of two Martyrs, about how Abdullah Öcalan influenced her life!

On the 15th of February 1999 Rêber Apo got kidnapped as the result of an international conspiracy against the Kurdish Freedom Movement.His detention caused big protests in all over the world. The conditions of his imprisonment became worse during the years. Since three years there has been neither any contact with him nor information about

Interview with Yadê Suat, Mother of two Martyrs, about how Abdullah Öcalan influenced her life! Read More »

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