
Statement regarding Rêber APO’s historical call: This is not an end – This is a continuation and a new beginning

ITALIAN – GERMAN – SPANISH – PORTUGUESE Rêber APO’s call for Peace and a Democratic Society is a historical turning point. Rather then a call to end the struggle, it is a call to lift the struggle for Freedom and Democracy to a new, wider and more universal stage. Change and transformation are deeply embedded […]

Statement regarding Rêber APO’s historical call: This is not an end – This is a continuation and a new beginning Read More »

We Are Tishreen: Join the action days for Kobanê and Tishreen!

From the protest camp at the Tishrin Dam in Rojava, North-East Syria we call on all the youth organizations, socialists, antifascists, ecologist, women’s movements and everyone that stands against war to speak up to the war crimes being committed by the Turkish state on the Tishreen Dam and to start actions to stop the attacks.

We Are Tishreen: Join the action days for Kobanê and Tishreen! Read More »

The youth of North-East Syria stands in solidarity with the struggling people of Balochistan

The people of Balochistan have announced the 25th of January as the “Baloch Genocide Day”, since this day commemorates the gruesome discovery of over 100 mutilated bodies of Baloch in Tootak, Balochistan, in 2014. These people had been forcibly disappeared by Pakistani intelligence agencies, paramilitary and their death squad militias. This tragic event has left

The youth of North-East Syria stands in solidarity with the struggling people of Balochistan Read More »

Message from the Sahrawi Solidarity Summit to the people of North-East Syria

On the Sahrawi Solidarity Summi, which has taken place in the Sahrawi refugee camps in southern Algeria, a message for the struggling people of North-East Syria has been formulated. The Sahrawi people have lived under Moroccan occupation since 1975. Many fled Moroccan army attacks to southern Algeria, where they have resided in five refugee camps

Message from the Sahrawi Solidarity Summit to the people of North-East Syria Read More »

Statement: First visit to Rêber APO (Abdullah Öcalan) after 43 months

After the breaking news that a visit had been taking place we want to share our evaluation and what it means for our struggle. The breaking news: “On the 23rd of October Ömer Öcalan, the nephew of Abdullah Öcalan and the DEM Party Urfa MP, visited Abdullah Öcalan within the scope of a family meeting.

Statement: First visit to Rêber APO (Abdullah Öcalan) after 43 months Read More »

Six friends from the Internationalist Commune of Rojava standing together holding a banner with the words "Solidarity is not a crime!" on it. Thez stand in front of a palm tree.

De Rojava a Xixón: ¡El sindicalismo no es un crimen!

Nosotros, la Comuna Internacionalista de Rojava, condenamos el ataque a seis miembros de la Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT). Un ataque que demuestra que el Estado español está ampliando su represión contra los sindicatos en un intento de debilitar a los trabajadores que luchan por mejores condiciones laborales. La Suiza Seis son cenetistas, 5 mujeres

De Rojava a Xixón: ¡El sindicalismo no es un crimen! Read More »

Internationalist youth delegation to Şengal

Also read in: French – Kurdish A delegation of twelve young internationalists from Europe went to Şengal this month for the 10th anniversary of the 74th genocide against the Êzidî community. For a week, they participated in various events organized and met the population. The Êzidî community thus shared with them the pain that still

Internationalist youth delegation to Şengal Read More »

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