Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization – Volume II

Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization – Volume II [Capitalism – The Age of Unmasked Gods and Naked Kings]


Section 1: The Rise of Capitalism

   1.1 Rationalism

   1.2 The Capitalist Mentality

  1.3 Economism

   1.4 Capitalism’s Relationship With Political Power and Law

   1.5 The Location of Capitalism

   1.6 Historical Societal Civilizations and Capitalism

Section 2: The Mortal Enemy of Economy

   2.1 Capitalism is not Economy but Power

  2.2 Evidence that Capitalism is Anti-Economy

   2.3 Capitalism in Relation to Society, Civilization, and History

   2.4 The Situation in Europe at the Onset of Capitalism

Section 3: The Modern Leviathan

   3.1 The Phenomenon of Nation and its Development

3.2 Defining the State

   3.3 The Ideology of Capitalist Civilization and its Religionization

   3.4 In Memory of the Victims of the Jewish Genocide

   3.5 Powers in Capitalist Modernity

   3.6 Capitalist Modernity and the Nation-State

Section 4: Capitalist Modernity

   4.1 Monopolist Merchant Capitalism

   4.2 Industrial Revolution and the Age of Industrialism

   4.3 The Age of Finance


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