Young Internationalist Women
The Young İnternationalist Women are an autonomous structure within the İnternationalist Commune of Rojava. İt is a space for young women from all around the world to come together and learn from the women’s revolution in Rojava.
We educate ourselves especially in the topics of women’s liberation and the importance of the identity of young women, no matter from which background. We take part in the civil works of the young women’s movement of north east Syria, building a bridge to young women in other countries and continents to spread the ideas and the spirit from the heart of the women’s revolution into the whole world.
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What does revolution actually mean?
Dear friends, A few weeks ago I arrived here in the autonomous administration of North-East…
Modern warfare is strongly linked to propaganda through the media. With lies in the media,…
The 9th of October 2013 the fascist Turkish state attempted to eliminate the women’s freedom…
Call to all the women in the world: JOIN THE STRUGGLE
A young women from Rojava evaluates the current war situation and calls out to all…
War in Rojava: Woman as the strongest self defense against the 3rd World War
War mentality is patriarchal mentality We as Internationalist Young Women in Rojava woke up to…
Şehîd Ronahî/Andrea Wolf: A revolutionary woman and internationalist Guerrilla fighter
Heval Ronahî, Andrea Wolf, was murdered by the Turkish state on the 23rd of October…
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Interview about the liberation of the woman
The struggle for women’s liberation has reached a whole new level in Kurdistan in the…
8th anniversary of the July 19 Revolution
Today, on the 19th of July 2020 we celebrate eight years of revolution in Rojava….
Presentation on the actual situation of the war in Kurdistan
For our worldwide call for actiondays on the 18th and 19th of July we prepared…
Global Call for Action Days on the 18 th and 19 th July
RiseUp 4 the Revolution – Against Colonialism, F ascism, Patriarchy and Femicides, Ecological Destruction, and…
Jineoloji and Internationalism
Berivan Qereçox Over the last year or so, I’ve been lucky…
Young women fighting against capitalist modernity
In order to address the question of what role young women play as internationalists today,…