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Social Ecology: Communalism against Climate Chaos
The next article was published in ROARmagazine, and is a great inspiration for the ecological…
A Kurdish response to climate change
Conversations with the Kurdish Liberation Movement on ecological society and democratic confederalism. For 4000 years…
The resistance goddess Sehid Sara
Today 09.01.2018, it is the fifth anniversary of the deaths of Sehid Sara (Sakine Cansiz),…
100 years after the October Revolution
October 2017 marks the hundredth anniversary of the October Revolution. One hundred years have passed…
The great battle for Raqqa’s liberation
In 1917, the October Revolution in Russia took place. Today, one hundred years later in…
A short analysis of the economical and political situation in the Middle East
By analyzing and understanding the current political, social, and economic situation in the Middle East,…