Author name: InternationalistCommune

3.1 The Phenomenon of Nation and its Development

The division of society into primitive-communal society, state society, and democratic society is related to the formation of classes and problems associated with administration. The division in terms of nationalities is determined by developments in language, culture, law, and politics. It is more meaningful to talk about different types of nations instead of a single

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Section 3: The Modern Leviathan – The Descent of God on Earth

Conceptualization of capitalist modernity cannot be done by economic consideration alone. Not only is it insufficient, but it is also a methodological diversion preventing us from comprehending its relationships and its essence. Therefore, it leads to fuzzy judgments and conclusions. As shown by my definition and analysis of capitalism in Sections 1 and 2, it

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1.6 Historical Societal Civilizations and Capitalism

I am pursuing the answer to this question: Is the capitalist economy and its social formats a social and historical necessity? This part of my defense will be a reply to this question, which, in short, is: No, it is not a social or a historical necessity.29 The most serious mistake of Marxian interpretation (vulgar

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1.4 Capitalism’s Relationship With Political Power and Law

The nucleus of capitalism was formed in the seedbed of political power and law. Capitalism benefits from all forms of power and their legal systems. When it suits its purpose, capitalism is the most ardent advocate of such power and legal systems; but, when Its profits are under threat, it will overthrow that particular system

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