Author name: InternationalistCommune

Reflections about Internationalism in Rojava

By Anne-Sophie Mariposa Translated from the German version in Kurdistan Report Before traveling to Rojava, I had much conversations with friends and comrades about how to make it possible to learn from this revolution without just taking advantage of it or putting it to meaning derived from my socialization at the heart of Capitalism. We

Reflections about Internationalism in Rojava Read More »

A new form of international solidarity

Thoughts about democratic autonomy vs. nation state, by Duran Kalkan, member of the executive council of KCK in an interview with Kurdistan Report How can we understand democratic autonomy or democratic confederalism? Is it a system that is regionally specific and therefore only able to address the Kurdish population? I can explain the democratic autonomy

A new form of international solidarity Read More »

The Kurdish Freedom Movement is the forefront of Democratic Socialism

by Duran Kalkan, Member of the Council of the KCK Translated from the German version in Kurdistan Report Undoubtedly, the success of a revolution depends on how strong its theory and practice is working in an regional, national and international frame. No revolution can be separated from the region and international struggles, and be successful

The Kurdish Freedom Movement is the forefront of Democratic Socialism Read More »

Die PKK hat die Vorreiterrolle des Demokratischen Sozialismus inne

von Duran Kalkan, Mitglied des Exekutivausschusses der KCK Zweifellos hängt der Erfolg einer Revolution auch davon ab, dass Theorie und Praxis sowohl national und regional wie auch international entwickelt und umgesetzt werden. Keine Revolution kann sich von ihrer Region und den internationalen Kämpfen losgelöst begreifen und allein national erfolgreich sein. Das wäre ein sehr beschränktes

Die PKK hat die Vorreiterrolle des Demokratischen Sozialismus inne Read More »

Challenging privilege: on solidarity and self-reflection

Solidarity is not a one-way charity undertaking by privileged activists, but a multidimensional process that contributes to the emancipation of everyone involved. A german man is not impressed with the grassroots democracy project in Rojava because he has seen something similar decades ago in Latin America. A French woman reproaches Kurdish women for a lack

Challenging privilege: on solidarity and self-reflection Read More »

Desafiando los privilegios: sobre la solidaridad y la autocrítica

La solidaridad no es una práctica unidireccional llevada a cabo por activistas privilegiados, sino un proceso multidimensional que contribuye a la emancipación de todas las personas implicadas. Un hombre alemán no se siente impresionado por el proyecto de democracia directa en Rojava porque dice que ha visto algo similar hace décadas en América Latina. Una

Desafiando los privilegios: sobre la solidaridad y la autocrítica Read More »

Sfidare il privilegio: solidarietà e autoriflessione

La solidarietà non è carità a senso unico praticata da attivisti privilegiati,ma un processo multidimensionale che contribuisce all’emancipazione di tutti i soggetti coinvolti.L’autrice desidera ringraziare gli attivisti internazionalisti in Rojava, gli attivisti Kashmiri e Tamil, gli anarchici greci e in particolare Hawzhin Azeez per le loro reazioni, senza le quali l’articolo non sarebbe stato valido

Sfidare il privilegio: solidarietà e autoriflessione Read More »

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