Dîroka Enternasyonalîzm – Enternasyonal a Ciwanan a Komunîst

Enternasyonal a Ciwanan a Komunîst (bi elmanî: Kommunistische Jugendinternationale – KJI) „Tenê ciwanên sosyalîst dikarin bingeheka rast û saxlem ji bo Enternasyonaleka nû avabikin. Ciwan hilgirên pêşerojê, ciwanên ku ne giredayî dema borî ne û yên ku di benda jiyana bê û peşeroje de ne; jehrê hestên bûrjvar hin neketin dilê ciwanan û fikirê wan

Dîroka Enternasyonalîzm – Enternasyonal a Ciwanan a Komunîst Read More »

A short analysis of the economical and political situation in the Middle East

By analyzing and understanding the current political, social, and economic situation in the Middle East, we can better understand the crisis of capitalist modernity. This can give us perspective to build up alternative solutions to the many problems oppressed people face today. The Middle East, particularly the Mesopotamian region between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers

A short analysis of the economical and political situation in the Middle East Read More »

“We need a revolutionary movement able to overcome all kind of oppression”

Interview with the Internationalist Commune of Rojava What is the Internationalist Commune of Rojava? The Internationalist Commune of Rojava (ICR) gathers the internationalists in Rojava and is a base for international revolutionaries working in the civil structures of Northern Syria. Since the beginning of the revolution in 2012, the philosophy the revolution is based on

“We need a revolutionary movement able to overcome all kind of oppression” Read More »

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