
“Our aim is to create an international movement…”

On December 2017 a solidarity committee made this interview, but for different reasons, it has not been published until now. We think is a good interview which can help people to better understand the project of the Internationalist Commune of Rojava so we decided to publish it. What kind of work have you been doing […]

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Jineloji Statement – Turkish War Planes are Bombing Archeological Sites In Efrin

Thousands of Years Old Remains of Women’s Culture Destroyed On the 20th January 2018, the Turkish state waged a total war over the autonomous region of Efrin, part of the democratic confederation of Northern Syria. More than one week later, the attacks on the population continue. Turkish airstrikes have killed over 80 civilians – many

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100 years after the October Revolution

October 2017 marks the hundredth anniversary of the October Revolution. One hundred years have passed since the revolutionary masses of Petrograd, calling for “All Power to the Soviets”, raised their weapons against the exploiters and collaborators. With the call for “Bread! Peace! Freedom!”, the October Revolution established its place in world history as the starting

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Marching to Qamişlo – the Meşa Dirêj

“We’re here to show that we are a part of the revolution,” says Şilan as she opens the trunk of the loudspeaker-truck to retrieve some more flags. Şilan is one of a few hundred mainly kurdish and arab youths marching on the main street of Derik/Al-Malikiya towards Qamişlo on this sunny but cold Thursday afternoon. As

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Reflections about Internationalism in Rojava

By Anne-Sophie Mariposa Translated from the German version in Kurdistan Report Before traveling to Rojava, I had much conversations with friends and comrades about how to make it possible to learn from this revolution without just taking advantage of it or putting it to meaning derived from my socialization at the heart of Capitalism. We

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A new form of international solidarity

Thoughts about democratic autonomy vs. nation state, by Duran Kalkan, member of the executive council of KCK in an interview with Kurdistan Report How can we understand democratic autonomy or democratic confederalism? Is it a system that is regionally specific and therefore only able to address the Kurdish population? I can explain the democratic autonomy

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Challenging privilege: on solidarity and self-reflection

Solidarity is not a one-way charity undertaking by privileged activists, but a multidimensional process that contributes to the emancipation of everyone involved. A german man is not impressed with the grassroots democracy project in Rojava because he has seen something similar decades ago in Latin America. A French woman reproaches Kurdish women for a lack

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