Zerschlagt den Faschismus und seine internationalen Kollaborateure

Zerschlagt den Faschismus und seine internationalen Kollaborateure

PDF Aktionsaufruf – 10.02.2021 Zerschlagt den Faschismus und seine internationalen Kollaborateure #RiseUpAgainstFascism Heute, in den Morgenstunden des 10. Februar, hat…

“A society can never be free without women’s liberation.”
Abdullah Ocalan

Mobilization in Rojava – Experiences of an internationalist

Mobilization in Rojava – Experiences of an internationalist

InternationalistCommuneNov 22, 20199 min read

[raw] × We need your support! In the time of the attack of the Turkish army and its jihadist allies we depend on your financial support. Activists of the Internationalist…

A Ray of Hope

A Ray of Hope

InternationalistCommuneNov 11, 20195 min read

[raw] × We need your support! In the time of the attack of the Turkish army and its jihadist allies we depend on your financial support. Activists of the Internationalist…

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