
Hevalê Çîya – two letters to the memory and to pay tribute to our internationalist comrade

Those letters have been first published in Spanish onto the Rojava no está sola blog, then kindly translated to allow their publication in English that we reproduce here. Letter 1: Truly, it is really difficult to start this letter. No beginning is adequate to express the immense pain that comes with the death of a

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Bager Nûjiyan: The Seeker of Truth who insisted on another world

Our friend, internationalist revolutionary and guerrilla fighter Michael Panser, Bager Nûjiyan (also Xelîl Vîyan) died and became immortal on December 14, 2018 in a Turkish air raid on the Medya defense areas in Southern Kurdistan. “Our hearts are full of pain, our heads are full of memories. Heval Bager was a friend who will remain

Bager Nûjiyan: The Seeker of Truth who insisted on another world Read More »

8th anniversary of the July 19 Revolution

Today, on the 19th of July 2020 we celebrate eight years of revolution in Rojava. Since 2012 the liberated areas of North and East Syria have been a global locus of revolutionary energy, struggling against fascism and counter revolution as a beacon of hope for many. Through the sacrifice of many thousands of martyrs and

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Presentation on the actual situation of the war in Kurdistan

For our worldwide call for actiondays on the 18th and 19th of July we prepared a video presentation about the actual situation in Kurdistan and explain how this is connected to Rojava. Also we speak about the history of Rojava and whole Kurdistan. In the end we go more into detail of the Revolution in

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Global Call for Action Days on the 18 th and 19 th July

RiseUp 4 the Revolution – Against Colonialism, F ascism, Patriarchy and Femicides, Ecological Destruction, and all forms of oppression around the World –   19 th July – the 8 th anniversary of the Rojava revolution; the Nicaraguan and Spanish revolution The 19 th July is an important day for the whole world; not only

Global Call for Action Days on the 18 th and 19 th July Read More »

Um pioneiro do Novo Internacionalismo – Em memória de Şehîd Kasim Engin

Ontem, o comité central do Partido dos Trabalhadores do Curdistão (PKK) anunciou e divulgou ao público numa declaração escrita o martírio de Kasim Engin, um membro do comité central do partido. Şehîd Kasim Engin tornou-se mártir devido a um ataque aéreo sobre a área de guerrilha na região de Bradost, Curdistão do Sul, a 27

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