
“We need a revolutionary movement able to overcome all kind of oppression”

Interview with the Internationalist Commune of Rojava What is the Internationalist Commune of Rojava? The Internationalist Commune of Rojava (ICR) gathers the internationalists in Rojava and is a base for international revolutionaries working in the civil structures of Northern Syria. Since the beginning of the revolution in 2012, the philosophy the revolution is based on

“We need a revolutionary movement able to overcome all kind of oppression” Read More »

Jineoloji: The science of women’s liberation in the Kurdish movement

The next article of Marcel Cartier was published on Kurdish Question in two parts (1 and 2) on june 2016 After the first week I spent in northern Syria had come and gone, a friend of mine in the United States sent me an animated text message to check up on me: ‘Yo! How’s it

Jineoloji: The science of women’s liberation in the Kurdish movement Read More »

From Kurdistan to Wallmapu – Solidarity with the Mapuche!

We, the Internationalist Commune of Rojava, declare our solidarity to the indigenous Mapuche people that is fighting for its rights and its land that is occupied by companies and the forces of the Chilean state. Dams for hydropower plants, landfills and roads are created on Wallmapu, the land of the Mapuche since decades. Deforestation rights

From Kurdistan to Wallmapu – Solidarity with the Mapuche! Read More »

A new form of international solidarity

Thoughts about democratic autonomy vs. nation state, by Duran Kalkan, member of the executive council of KCK in an interview with Kurdistan Report How can we understand democratic autonomy or democratic confederalism? Is it a system that is regionally specific and therefore only able to address the Kurdish population? I can explain the democratic autonomy

A new form of international solidarity Read More »

The Kurdish Freedom Movement is the forefront of Democratic Socialism

by Duran Kalkan, Member of the Council of the KCK Translated from the German version in Kurdistan Report Undoubtedly, the success of a revolution depends on how strong its theory and practice is working in an regional, national and international frame. No revolution can be separated from the region and international struggles, and be successful

The Kurdish Freedom Movement is the forefront of Democratic Socialism Read More »

“Self-defense is not merely picking up a weapon, it is fighting against the capitalist way of life.”

We spoke to the Internationalist Commune of Rojava about“the struggle for life” in the heart of Syrian Kurdistan. The land is dry. Temperatures reach 40ªC (104,ºF) and it’s not even July. A small town with three houses, all of them built following the local traditional way in this region – adobe and stone. A group

“Self-defense is not merely picking up a weapon, it is fighting against the capitalist way of life.” Read More »

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