International Şehîds

Statement from şehîd Şevger Ara Makhno’s anarchist comrades in Rojava

Our anarchist comrade and friend Şevger Ara Makhno arrived in Rojava on 20th January 2018 to take part in the revolution. Only the day before the army of the Turkish state and its jihadist proxies had begun the invasion of the autonomous region of Afrin, an area which had remained at peace throughout seven years […]

Statement from şehîd Şevger Ara Makhno’s anarchist comrades in Rojava Read More »

In memory of şehid Sahin Hosseini (Haukur Hilmarsson)

We publish an article that first appeared on IndyMedia about the martyrdom of YPG internationalist fighter Haukur Hilmarsson, nom de guerre Sahin Hosseini, in Afrin. The sad news has come with us that our Icelandic friend and comrade Haukur Hilmarsson, nom de guerre Sahin Hosseini, has fallen in the battle of the Kurdish city of

In memory of şehid Sahin Hosseini (Haukur Hilmarsson) Read More »

Letter to Şehid Legerîn Çiya (Alina Sánchez) from her comrades at the Jineolojî Academy

[English, Spanish below] Dear family and friends of our beloved friend and comrade hevala Legerîn Çiya (Alina Sánchez), We send you our warmest greetings from Rojava – a part of Kurdistan where we have been living, working and struggling together with our friend hevala Legerîn. While all powers of the world have united to impose

Letter to Şehid Legerîn Çiya (Alina Sánchez) from her comrades at the Jineolojî Academy Read More »

‘Dear Hêlîn, or Anna, because I know you liked your both names’ – Letter to revolutionary Sehid Hêlîn Qereçox

  Dear Hêlîn, or Anna -because I know you liked your both names-, you were like the sun. You radiated light and heat, you gave life to all those people who crossed your path, that’s why all people who knew you loved you, they admired you. I admired you, Hêlîn, for your strong and loving

‘Dear Hêlîn, or Anna, because I know you liked your both names’ – Letter to revolutionary Sehid Hêlîn Qereçox Read More »

For our friend Hêlîn Qereçox

“La révolution sera la floraison de l’humanité comme l’amour est la floraison du coeur.” Louise Michel Yesterday we received the message that our internationalist friend and comrade Hêlîn Qaraçox (Anna Campbell) has been killed in an attack of the Turkish army in Afrin. This message hits us in the heart, as we knew Hevala Hêlîn

For our friend Hêlîn Qereçox Read More »

Statement from YPG International in the funeral of Şehid Baran Galicia

[ENG] Our struggle against the fascism and terrorism of the Turkish state, ISIS and the al-Qaeda gangs goes on. It will continue until we defeat the invaders and achieve victory. If our enemies look at the number of our martyrs and think that they will defeat us, they are wrong. If they look at the

Statement from YPG International in the funeral of Şehid Baran Galicia Read More »

Şehîd Kendal Breizh and Şehîd Baran Galicia, Internationationalist fighters in Afrin

Fallen martyrs of Afrin resistance Our comrades, Kendal Breizh and Baran Galicia, two of our internationalist fighters, who took their places at the forefront of the historical resistance against the fascist attacks of the invading Turkish army and its allied gang groups against the Canton Afrin, were martyred in the clashes with the occupiers at

Şehîd Kendal Breizh and Şehîd Baran Galicia, Internationationalist fighters in Afrin Read More »

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