
Internationalist youth delegation to Şengal

Also read in: French – Kurdish A delegation of twelve young internationalists from Europe went to Şengal this month for the 10th anniversary of the 74th genocide against the Êzidî community. For a week, they participated in various events organized and met the population. The Êzidî community thus shared with them the pain that still […]

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Perspectives from Rojava: “We will leave no women unorganized!”

The ecological revolution in Rojava is an ongoing process, which aims to bring about fundamental changes in our approach to nature and life. This revolution has to rebuild what former regimes have destroyed, change the mentality of a people and resist against one of the most ecocidal forces in the region, the Turkish state. From

Perspectives from Rojava: “We will leave no women unorganized!” Read More »

Youth means understanding. Text by Abdullah Öcalan

Just as great misfortune comes from ignorance, great love comes from deep knowledge and awareness and consciousness. For this, great thought is necessary. Great thoughts keep people alive. People live, for the sake of great thoughts they toil. If you think big you will create great things. Only great thinkers can change the world. –

Youth means understanding. Text by Abdullah Öcalan Read More »

Ideological Attacks on the Revolutionary Youth Movement

“Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger (Revolutionary Youth Movement) is part of the Apoist youth movement Komalen Ciwan¹. According to Apoist philosophy, Apoist ideology and Apoist paradigm, it is based on a life, a march, a struggle. Its style, manner and method of struggle is Apoist.” The Democratic Autonomous Administration of North East Syria and all its accomplishments

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Together we will resist against the genocidal and patriarchal regimes! To the youth, women, people of Balochistan struggling against genocide!

From Rojava we send revolutionary greetings, strength and support to the youth, women and people of Balochistan. These days, in which the occupier states attack society with all its cruelty, abduct, torture and kill your people, you are not bowing down your head but resisting with the power of the people, not fearing the state

Together we will resist against the genocidal and patriarchal regimes! To the youth, women, people of Balochistan struggling against genocide! Read More »

Abya Yala Social Forces, especially Womens, Laborer and Youth are our Ideologicial Allies

Excerpt from an interview with KCK Executive Council member Durkan Kalkan. Click here to read the full interview. Venezuelan President Maduro was in Turkey for Erdoğan’s swearing-in ceremony. Lula congratulated Erdoğan on his re-election on social media. Cuba has strong economic ties with Turkey. None of these self-proclaimed socialist states criticise Erdoğan for his anti-Kurdish policies.

Abya Yala Social Forces, especially Womens, Laborer and Youth are our Ideologicial Allies Read More »

About the Youth conference on the methods of Sociology of Freedom – as a solution for social problems

The question on ‘How to find solutions for our problems?’ is a really essential topic of our time. Social problems require social solutions. “If we don’t educate ourselves we will just repeat what has been done before and nothing will change. If we don’t go at the root of the problems we will never be

About the Youth conference on the methods of Sociology of Freedom – as a solution for social problems Read More »

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