
The Role of the Revolutionary Youth in Til Temir – An Internationalist Perspective

As a „young person“ in growing up in the U.K. I often felt patronised, as if my perspective of the world was invalidated. It seemed like any time that my analyses didn‘t conform to expectations of society they were discarded on the basis of immaturity. So for me, seeing the revolutionary role of the youth

The Role of the Revolutionary Youth in Til Temir – An Internationalist Perspective Read More »

“Under the leadership of youth towards a democratic and colorful Middle East”

2nd Middle East Youth Conference is prepared in northern Syria / Rojava In 2015, the first Middle East Youth Conference was held in Amed, under the initiative of the youth organizations of the HDK (Democratic Congress of the People) and the DTK (Democratic Congress of the Society). As a result of the conference, the coordination

“Under the leadership of youth towards a democratic and colorful Middle East” Read More »

From Kurdistan: To the democratic, revolutionary youth worldwide

Roni Baz, an Coordination Member of Komalen Ciwan (United Youth), talks about the importance of internationalism, the need for an common struggle against Turkish fascism and the building up of a global democratic confederalism. In the video he addresses internationalist comrades and the youth worldwide. Roni Baz: When the big revolutionary leader Marx was bringing

From Kurdistan: To the democratic, revolutionary youth worldwide Read More »

Speech of internationalists at 2nd congress of Rojava Youth’s Union (YCR)

Speech at the 2nd congress of Rojava Youth’s Union (YCR) We, as internationalists, salute the Revolutionary Youth of Rojava and Syria, we are honored and thankful for having the opportunity to be present in this historical congress. In a congress that opens the way for the struggling youth of all Middle East: Kurd, Arab, Turkmen, Yezidi,

Speech of internationalists at 2nd congress of Rojava Youth’s Union (YCR) Read More »

“I hear a difference in their shouts”: marching on Başur with the Kurdish youth

After two days on the road with the Kurdish Youth Movement, our feet are sore and our throats hoarse. In the end, a thousand-strong torrent of youth were beaten back by the gun-butts of the Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga as they attempted to cross the Tigris river border and join a “human shield” defending the Qandil

“I hear a difference in their shouts”: marching on Başur with the Kurdish youth Read More »

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