Audiomessage from Chiapas: Zapatistas on the brink of war?
We are living in a historic moment where more and more anti-systemic forces are invited…
Rojava, Maxmûr & Chiapas: Building and Defending an Alternative to Capitalist Modernity
Spanish Version The Zapatistas from the autonomous region in Chiapas have reported an increasing presence…
Who is Abdullah Öcalan? Exchange between internationalists
On this day, 15 February, which marks 24 years since the arrest of Abdullah Ocalan,…
Children’s games and adult games
An internationalist who has come from his flat native country to meet the people of…
“We don’t look away – These are our comrades and friends!”
Statement against Turkish war crimes and a call to raise your voice & #DEFENDKURDISTAN For…
Young Internationalist Women release Mashup for Jîna Amini
In memory of the young Kurdish woman Jîna Amini, who was killed by the Iranian…
Internationalists Experiences
We will defend this place, this electricity plant, in every way possible, with our bodies too
“If I cannot dance, this is not my revolution.” We wonder what Emma Goldman would…
Together we will resist against the genocidal and patriarchal regimes! To the youth, women, people of Balochistan struggling against genocide!
From Rojava we send revolutionary greetings, strength and support to the youth, women and people…
Şehîd Rojvan Kobanê, a Iranian internationalist martyred fighting for peace in the Middle East
Today, on the 22nd of December, we commemorate the internationalist revolutionary and fighter Emîr Qubadî,…
Internationalist Experiences
What does revolution actually mean?
Dear friends, A few weeks ago I arrived here in the autonomous administration of North-East…
(Vídeo) A Letter From Internationalist in Rojava
Read Full Letter Carta también disponible en inglés, alemán, francés, catalán, portugués, español e italiano….