Author name: InternationalistCommune

Mobilization in Rojava – Experiences of an internationalist

I am an internationalist from Germany, I am in Rojava. I have been here for a long time to get actively involved in the revolution. I have worked in the different social areas here. Last year in December we had the situation that there were very strong threats against the revolution in Rojava. The situation […]

Mobilization in Rojava – Experiences of an internationalist Read More »

82nd anniversary of the death of Seyit Riza, Kurdish leader of the Dersim Rebellion

This 15th November 2019 mark the 82nd anniversary of the execution of Seyit Riza by the Turkish state. We wrote this article to remember him and his fight against the oppressors. Seyit Riza (1963 – 1937) was an Alevi, Zaza-Kurdish* political leader from the Dersim region of North Kurdistan (today part of the Turkish state).

82nd anniversary of the death of Seyit Riza, Kurdish leader of the Dersim Rebellion Read More »

Til Temir: Primera línea de batalla – Carta de un amigo internacionalista

Un jet de combate pasa en vuelo raso sobre la ciudad de Til Temir, haciendo vibrar las ventanas de las casas donde kurdos, árabes y asirios conviven en esta árida ciudad situado hoy a escasos kilómetros del frente. Cuando el trepidante sonido del motor pasa, el llanto de un bebé es lo primero a romper

Til Temir: Primera línea de batalla – Carta de un amigo internacionalista Read More »

Til Temir: Front line – A letter from an internationalist friend

A combatjet passes in low flight over the city of Til Temir, making the windows of the houses vibrate, where Kurds, Arabs and Assyrians coexist in this arid city located today few kilometers of the front. When the blazing sound of the engine passes, the crying of a baby is the first thing to break

Til Temir: Front line – A letter from an internationalist friend Read More »

Weltweiter Aufruf zur Verteidigung der Rojava-Revolution!

Am 2. November brachte ein globaler Tag des Widerstands gegen Rojava Tausende von Menschen auf die Straße in Dutzenden von Städten auf der ganzen Welt. Für die Völker Nordsyriens, die sich derzeit gegen eine Invasion der türkischen Armee und ihrer dschihadistischen Vertreter wehren, gehört die Freude und Hoffnung, dass diese Demonstrationen zu den größten Geschenken

Weltweiter Aufruf zur Verteidigung der Rojava-Revolution! Read More »

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