Author name: InternationalistCommune

I. “Remembering means fighting” – the day of Ulrike Meinhof’s death

In May, we will be releasing a series of articles related to the history of revolutionaries and their struggles. The stories and fights of Bobby Sands and Ulrike Meinhof, Hakî Karer and Deniz Gezmis still have a special meaning for us today and give us revolutionary perspectives for the future. As internationalists, we continue their […]

I. “Remembering means fighting” – the day of Ulrike Meinhof’s death Read More »

Interview: Rojava, Venezuela and South America – Between Imperialism and Revolutions

“We need to apply the methods used by the Kurdish struggle and struggles in South America to actually start a revolutionary movement that is there for the people and not only for some abstract ideas”. At the 2ndYouth Conference of the Middle East we had the chance to discuss with Jose from Colombia who currently

Interview: Rojava, Venezuela and South America – Between Imperialism and Revolutions Read More »

Entrevista: Rojava, Venezuela e América do Sul – Entre o Imperialismo e as Revoluções.

“Precisamos aplicar os métodos usados pela luta curda e as lutas na América do Sul para iniciar um movimento revolucionário que esteja realmente presente para as pessoas e não apenas para algumas ideias abstratas”. Na 2ª Conferência da Juventude no Oriente Médio, tivemos a oportunidade de conversar com José, da Colômbia, que atualmente vive na

Entrevista: Rojava, Venezuela e América do Sul – Entre o Imperialismo e as Revoluções. Read More »

Message pour le 1er mai!

Cher camarades, Nous vous apportons notre soutiens et vous felicitons pour ce premier mai! Ce premier mai est un jour historique pour la lutte des classes et a une grande importance pour le pour le mouvement revolutionnaire international. Un jour ou les luttes contre l‘exploitation capitaliste meurtriere, l‘oppression du patriarcat, deviennent visible de maniere internationale.

Message pour le 1er mai! Read More »

Viva la Resistenza Partigiana! Down with Turkish fascism!

Messaggio di solidarietá dalla Comune Internazionalista del Rojava & dalla campagna #riseup4rojava per il settantaquattresimo anniversario della liberazione dal fascismo in Italia. Nel settantacinquesimo anniversario della liberazione dall´ oppressione nazifascista, ricordiamo l´ esempio e il sacrificio delle tante e tanti partigiani che decisero, con coraggio e umanita, di prendere la via della montagna, la via

Viva la Resistenza Partigiana! Down with Turkish fascism! Read More »

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