
Solidarity Keeps Us Alive! Campaign for the release of all political prisoners

The Internationalist Commune send our support to Solidarity Keeps Us Alive, a campaign to release all political prisoners whose lives and health are at serious risk due to Coronavirus pandemic. The campaign’s aims are- + To establish meaningful contact between prisoners, especially women, relatives and supporters and to make the situation and voices of the […]

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Interview with an Internationalist health Worker in Rojava

To start where the oppression begins, is the main key of social changes and rebuilding the values of a holistic world and life and society, says Jiyan, a German internationalist in northern Syria. Jiyan is a German internationalist who after the Sinjar massacre and the attack on Kobane in 2015 decided to travel to the

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From Raqqa to Kobane, from colonial past till today’s flourishing of the revolution.

Through two short texts a comrade of the Internationalist Commune tells those two cities through his own experience there. 1. Colonization and stolen history – The stolen brothers of Kobane. 2. After war and death, the liberation of life and of women – The women council of Raqqa. 1. Colonization and stolen history – The

From Raqqa to Kobane, from colonial past till today’s flourishing of the revolution. Read More »

It´s A Small World- Internationalism In Our Time

The word internationalism might seem self explanatory, but it carries a long history. The concept has been evolving ever since the call, “Workers of the World Unite“ and the formation of the first international 150 years ago. But if we follow it down the winding path of struggle we see that with one face or

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The 4th of April: anniversary of Abdullah Ocalan and of the fight for freedom

Yesterday, as it is the tradition all over Kurdistan and over the world in the Kurdish diaspora and other internationalist revolutionary groups, we celebrated the 71st anniversary of Abdullah Ocalan by planting 71 trees at the Internationalist Commune site. But this day represents much more than just the celebration of Ocalan’s birthday. What is the

The 4th of April: anniversary of Abdullah Ocalan and of the fight for freedom Read More »

The Role of the Revolutionary Youth in Til Temir – An Internationalist Perspective

As a „young person“ in growing up in the U.K. I often felt patronised, as if my perspective of the world was invalidated. It seemed like any time that my analyses didn‘t conform to expectations of society they were discarded on the basis of immaturity. So for me, seeing the revolutionary role of the youth

The Role of the Revolutionary Youth in Til Temir – An Internationalist Perspective Read More »

Interview with the Internationalist Commune

The Komun Academy interviewed internationalists of the Internationalist Community. As a self-description, we want to publish the interview here too. “We need to strengthen the ability of the society to democratize and create itself” As the editorial team of Komun-Academy, we interviewed the Internationalist Commune of Rojava. As a political space for internationalist youth to

Interview with the Internationalist Commune Read More »

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