Women’s liberation

Women struggle

Jineoloji: The science of women’s liberation in the Kurdish movement

The next article of Marcel Cartier was published on Kurdish Question in two parts (1 and 2) on june 2016 After the first week I spent in northern Syria had come and gone, a friend of mine in the United States sent me an animated text message to check up on me: ‘Yo! How’s it […]

Jineoloji: The science of women’s liberation in the Kurdish movement Read More »

Why Jineolojî? Re-Constructing the Sciences towards a Communal and Free Life

Gönül Kaya is a journalist and representative of the Kurdish women’s movement. This article is the transcript of her speech at the Jineolojî Conference in March 2014 in Cologne, Germany. Why Jineolojî? Re-Constructing the Sciences towards a Communal and Free Life The Free Women’s Movement of Kurdistan evaluates jineolojî as an important step in its

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Feminist pacifism or passive-ism?

The next article of Dilar Dirik was published in OpenDemocracy the  7 of march of 2017 Tomorrow is International Women’s Day. In the face of increasing femicide, sexual violence and rape culture, we need to confront the question of women’s self-defence.  When some white women celebrate the non-violence of women’s marches against Trump and then

Feminist pacifism or passive-ism? Read More »

Kurdish Women’s Radical Self-Defense: Armed and Political

This article of Dilar Dirik was published in TeleSur the 7 july 2015 The Kurdish women’s resistance operates without hierarchy and domination and is part of larger, societal transformation and liberation. The world’s powerful institutions operate through the state-structure, which has the ultimate monopoly on decision-making, economy, and the use of force. At the same

Kurdish Women’s Radical Self-Defense: Armed and Political Read More »

Luchadoras de las YPJ anuncian la liberación de Raqqa [Galeria]

El 19 de octubre, fue anunciada la liberación de la ciudad de Raqqa, ex-capital del EI (Estado Islámico) en Siria. La declaración oficial ha sido realizada por la portavoz de las YPJ, Nisrin Abdullah, en la plaza Al-Naim, lugar donde el EI cometió ejecuciones en masas para difundir el terror tanto a Siria como al

Luchadoras de las YPJ anuncian la liberación de Raqqa [Galeria] Read More »

International day against Femicide: Agust 3

Free Yazidi Women’s Movement (TAJÊ) calls for the commemoration of Daesh’s Feminicide in Shengal in 2014. From the Internationalist Commune of Rojava, we join this international action day against the Feminicide, and we invite you all to participate. [su_accordion][su_spoiler title=”Original text”] Let’s make August 3rd the International Day of Struggle against Feminicide through our joint

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