
Piştgiriya ji Çînên Zêrîne Commercy bi Şoreşa Rojava re Em vê vîdyoyê wekî peyama Piştgiriya Gel a Gelê Zêrîn ji Şoreşa Rojava re peyda kir. Bi vê vîdyoyê re bersiv da ku peyamek ev peymaniya Rojava ji meha Kanûnê ve hatî weşandin û bi gelemperî armancên me re hevpeyman dike!

Piştgiriya ji Çînên Zêrîne Commercy bi Şoreşa Rojava re Read More »

“Nous portons leurs noms” – En mémoire de Sehîd Ronahî Il y a 20 ans Sehîd Ronahî, Andrea Wolf était assasinée par l’armée turque alors qu’elle combattait aux côtés de la guérilla du mouvement de libération kurde dans les montagnes du Kurdistan du Nord (Bakur, état turc). Andrea Wolf, après avoir milité pendant de nombreuses années dans les mouvements militants de gauche dans son

“Nous portons leurs noms” – En mémoire de Sehîd Ronahî Read More »

En souvenir de Şehîd Şahîn Qereçox (Farid Medjahed) Şehîd Şahîn Qereçox (Farid Medjahed) est arriveé au Rojava en juin 2018 pour combattre aux côtés des YPG dans la défense de leur révolution contre Daesh, l’armée turque et le fascisme. Il est arrivé à cette décision, ayant été impliqué dans de nombreuses luttes contre un système qui apporte la mort à la nature

En souvenir de Şehîd Şahîn Qereçox (Farid Medjahed) Read More »

Haukur Hilmarsson: The victory over fascism is humanity’s struggle

[embedyt][/embedyt] Sehid Sahin Huseyni (Haukur Hilmarsson) came in 2017 in Rojava to support the revolution. The social progress in north Syrian groung is a process of decades of the kurdish autonomous movement. In recent years we see and understand that the legacy of north Syria’s autonomy is an outcome of many enthnicities as Kurds,

Haukur Hilmarsson: The victory over fascism is humanity’s struggle Read More »

Global call for a #WorldAfrinDay on 24.03.2018 – Let’s Show to the world that Afrin is not alone!

Here we will put the statement in the different languages that the people send to us. If your language is not here here, please send us the translation! Statements in: english, spanish, german, french, italian, portuguese, polish, catalan, finnish   [su_spoiler title=”English: Afrin is not alone, March 24 #WorldAfrinDay”] The 20th of January the invasion

Global call for a #WorldAfrinDay on 24.03.2018 – Let’s Show to the world that Afrin is not alone! Read More »

One week in Afrin, one week of resistance 27/02/18 – Defend Afrin, Resistance Diaries #07

27/02 The telephone wakes us up, our friends of the convoy are warning us that the busses are leaving. We were expecting to stay one more week in Afrin, but it seems that the convoy’s plan was to make a one week trip. We were making plans for two more days, but we can not

One week in Afrin, one week of resistance 27/02/18 – Defend Afrin, Resistance Diaries #07 Read More »

Local resistance, international fighters. 26/02/18 – Defend Afrin, Resistance Diaries #06

26/02 Demonstation in Mabeta and last goodbye to Sehid Baran One of the aims of the civil convoy in which we came to Afrin, is to give strength and hope to the people and cities who are suffering the attacks from the turkish army. Mabeta is a city where the bombing had been intensified in

Local resistance, international fighters. 26/02/18 – Defend Afrin, Resistance Diaries #06 Read More »

Suffering a war: martyrs and refugees 25/02/18 – Defend Afrin, Resistance Diaries #05

25/02 We wake up in the camp that the people of Efrin prepared for the convoy, after a long night with bombs falling almost all the time. Some bodies of fighters who died by the attacks of the turkish army arrived at the city, and we go to the funeral march from the hospital to

Suffering a war: martyrs and refugees 25/02/18 – Defend Afrin, Resistance Diaries #05 Read More »

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