With our conference we are laying the foundation for a democratic Middle East

We were talking with 5 different young people participating in the 2nd Middle East Youth conference in Kobane. Asur said that he would join the conference as a representative of the Syriac Youth Movement. He also took part in the preperation committee of the conference. He also emphasized the importance of the conference for the […]

With our conference we are laying the foundation for a democratic Middle East Read More »

2nd Day of the 2nd Middle East Youth Conference in Kobane

Yesterday, on the second day of the ‘Conference of the Youth of the Middle East’, the main topic of conversation was current crises within the Middle East and how they affect those living there. Throughout the day participants were invited to share their opinions on topics that included society, dogmatism, nationalism and religious fundamentalism. The

2nd Day of the 2nd Middle East Youth Conference in Kobane Read More »

An urgent appeal to international academics, intellectuals and philosophers

We document the letter by Kardo Bokanî, published first on kcdk-e.com. Dear friends and colleagues, Dear academics, intellectuals and philosophers, I write from the Kurdish hunger strike in Strasbourg to ask you for your support in our demand that the Kurdish leader, Abdullah Ocalan, who has been held in solitary confinement for the last twenty years,

An urgent appeal to international academics, intellectuals and philosophers Read More »

Internationalist Commune at the 2nd Middle East Youth Conference in Kobane

[gallery_bank source_type=”gallery” id=”52″ layout_type=”slideshow_layout” alignment=”left” slideshow_width=”800″ auto_play=”yes” time_interval=”5″ order_images_by=”sort_asc” sort_images_by=”sort_order” slideshow_filmstrips=”show” control_buttons=”show” gallery_title=”show” gallery_description=”show” thumbnail_title=”show” thumbnail_description=”show” filters=”disable” lazy_load=”disable” search_box=”disable” order_by=”disable” animation_effects=”fadeIn” special_effects=”none”][/gallery_bank] For the next few days, the Internationalist Commune media commission have teamed up with the media of the Revolutionary Youth Movement in Rojava to report on the Conference of Middle-Eastern Youth which will

Internationalist Commune at the 2nd Middle East Youth Conference in Kobane Read More »

Мировые дни действия поддержки революции в Роджаве

Движение солидарности с Роджавой, «Мировые дни действия», провело акции в более чем 20-и странах. Мировые дни действия поддержки революции в Роджаве Тысячи людей вышли на улицы в конце января в более чем 60-и городах в знак поддержки Роджавской революции, и против режима Эрдогана в Турции. Показ солидарности с государством Роджавы приобрел действительно глобальный характер благодаря

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Yellow Vests: “Some people speak of a historical moment: when we see the support of the Commune of Rojava, it has value for many people”

We would like to share an article with you from the “Assembly of the Assemblies” in Commercy of the Yellow Vests, January 26 and 27. Firstly published in France by revue-ballast. “Against the bad-living: when the Meuse rises up” It is one of the two sub-prefectures of the Meuse: Commercy, less than 6,000 inhabitants. A

Yellow Vests: “Some people speak of a historical moment: when we see the support of the Commune of Rojava, it has value for many people” Read More »

“Under the leadership of youth towards a democratic and colorful Middle East”

2nd Middle East Youth Conference is prepared in northern Syria / Rojava In 2015, the first Middle East Youth Conference was held in Amed, under the initiative of the youth organizations of the HDK (Democratic Congress of the People) and the DTK (Democratic Congress of the Society). As a result of the conference, the coordination

“Under the leadership of youth towards a democratic and colorful Middle East” Read More »

Piştgiriya ji Çînên Zêrîne Commercy bi Şoreşa Rojava re

https://vimeo.com/316782568 Em vê vîdyoyê wekî peyama Piştgiriya Gel a Gelê Zêrîn ji Şoreşa Rojava re peyda kir. Bi vê vîdyoyê re bersiv da ku peyamek ev peymaniya Rojava ji meha Kanûnê ve hatî weşandin û bi gelemperî armancên me re hevpeyman dike! https://vimeo.com/313476800 https://vimeo.com/316911427

Piştgiriya ji Çînên Zêrîne Commercy bi Şoreşa Rojava re Read More »

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